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江建波1, 谢继红2
在广东省四会市对“黑珍珠”莲雾(Syzygium samarangense)开展高枝压条试验,设置不同 基质、不同浓度 IBA、不同月份和不同木质化程度枝条压条处理,试验结果显示:以“黑珍珠”莲雾 1~2 年生枝条为材料、以水苔草 + 黄泥(1:1)为基质、塑料薄膜带包扎,其生根率达 82.22%;以 IBA 100 mg · L-1 水溶液处理枝条,压条生根率达到 85.16%;在不同月份的试验中,1 月、4 月、7 月、10 月 的压条生根率分别为 46.67%、82.22%、80.13%、75.23%;木质化程度为高、中、低枝条的生根率分 别为 82.22%、82.22%、81.74%。研究结果表明在 4 月至 10 月,用水苔草 + 黄泥(1:1)为基质、IBA 100 mg · L-1 水溶液处理枝条是繁育“黑珍珠”莲雾苗木方便、快捷和实用的方法。
关键词:   “黑珍珠”莲雾;高枝压条;生根率
Seedling Raising Technology of Syzygium samarangense with High Branch Pressure in Sihui City
JIANG Jianbo1, XIE Jihong2
1.Sihui Forestry Bureau,Zhaoqing;2.Guangdong Academy of Forestry
The high branch strp experiment was carried out on the “black pearl”Syzygium samarangense, and different matrx strates, different concentrations of IBA, different months and different degrees of lignification were used in the Sihui city, Guangdong province. The results showed that the "black pearl" S. samarangense 1 to 2 years raw branches were used as the material, and the water moss grass and yellow mud slurry (1:1) was used as the matrix, and the plastic film with bandage, the rooting rate reached 82.22%; IBA100 mg · L-1 aqueous solution treatment branches, the rooting rate 85.16%; in the different months of the test, the rooting rate in January, April, July, and October was 46.67%, 82.22%, 80.13%, and 75.23%, respectively. The rooting rate of high, medium and low branches with lignification was 82.22%, 82.22% and 81.74%, respectively. The results showed that from April to October, the treatment of branch with Carex and yellow mud slurry (1:1) as matrix and IBA100 mg · L-1 aqueous solution was a convenient, fast and practical method for breeding "black pearl" S. samarangense.
Key words:   black pearl Syzygium samarangense;high branch pressing;rooting rate