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通过对福建省三明市宁化国有林场 13 年生杉木与闽粤栲 Castanopsis fissa 人工混交林开展抚育 间伐措施后的闽粤栲天然更新情况进行调查,分析抚育间伐后不同保留密度对闽粤栲天然更新幼苗的影响。 结果表明:抚育间伐后不同保留密度对闽粤栲天然更新幼苗数量及苗高生长具有显著影响;A(900 株 /hm2)、 B(1 200 株 /hm2)、C(1 500 株 /hm2 )3 种不同林分保留密度间伐处理的闽粤栲天然更新幼苗数量及苗高均与 对照区具有极显著差异;B 处理林分保留密度 1 200 株 / hm2 的幼苗数量最多,闽粤栲幼苗数量从多到少 分别是 B > A > C >对照 (1 875 株 /hm2);A 处理林分保留密度 900 株 / hm2 的幼苗苗高最高 , 闽粤栲幼 苗苗高从高到低分别是 A(900 株 /hm2 ) > B(1 200 株 /hm2 ) > C(1 500 株 /hm2 ) >对照。间伐后林地地表清 理对闽粤栲林下天然更新幼苗数量具有较大影响,有进行地表清理的闽粤栲幼苗数量比未进行清理的明 显更多。幼苗数量与母树的距离成反比,距离母树越近,幼苗数量越多。
关键词:   闽粤栲;抚育间伐;天然更新;幼苗
Effects of Thinning on Natural Regeneration of Castanopsis fissa Plantation
Ninghua State-owned Forest Farm
An investigation was conducted on the natural regeneration of Castanopsis. fissa in post-thinning mixed forest between 13-year-old Chinese fir and C. fissa at Ninghua Stated-owned Forest Farm, Sanming, Fujian to analyze the effects of different retention densities after thinning on the natural regenerated C. fissa saplings. The result showed that different post-thinning retention densities have significant effects on the number of natural regenerated saplings and the growth of sapling height; three types of post-thinning retention densities, namely A (900 plants/hm2 ), B (1 200 plants/hm2 ) and C (1 500 plants/hm2 ), reported significant differences on the number of natural regenerated saplings and the growth of sapling height from the contrast area. Type B plantation (1 200 plants/hm2 )yielded most saplings and the number of C. fissa saplings lies in the sequence of B > A > C > CK (1 875 plants/hm2 ); Type A plantation(900 plants/hm2 ) produced the tallest saplings, the height of C. fissa saplings lies in the sequence of A > B > C > CK. Post-thinning woodland cleanup were found with a great impact on the number of natural regenerated saplings: surface cleaned area has apparent greater number than not cleaned area. The number of C. fissa saplings is inversely proportional to the distance of the mother tree. The closer to the mother tree, the more seedlings there are.
Key words:   Castanopsis fissa; thinning;natural regeneration;sapling