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为筛选适合广西桂南地区发展的阔叶树种,对桂南地区 9 年生 18 种阔叶树种的树高、胸 径、冠幅、保存率等指标进行调查。结果表明:各树种保存率存在极显著差异,香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)、土沉香(Aquilaria sinensis)、马蹄荷(Exbucklandia populnea)保存率较差,其他树种保存 率较高 , 表明大部分树种对桂南地区环境适应能力较强。不同树种之间的树高、胸径和冠幅生长存在极 显著差异,通过聚类分析,可将 18 个树种分为 3 个类群,A 类群具有较大的胸径和树高,较快的生长 速度,主要以木兰科植物为主;B 类群生长速度中等,主要以豆科、壳斗科和樟科植物为主;C 类群 生长速度较慢,多为豆科植物。香梓楠 (Michelia hedyosperma)、厚荚相思 (Acacia crassicarpa)、山白兰 (M. alba)、米老排 (Mytilaria laosensis)、灰木莲 (M. glanca)、火力楠 (M. macclurei)、蓝花楹 (Jacaranda mimosifolia) 具有速生且适应性强的特性,降香黄檀(Dalbergia odorifera)、柚木(Tectona grandis)、格木 (Erythrophleum fordii)、土沉香 (A. sinensis) 生长比较缓慢。
关键词:   阔叶树种;保存率;树高 ; 胸径;聚类分析;桂南地区
Growth Performance of 18 Broad-leaved Tree Species at 9-year-old in Southern Guangxi
WANG Jiayan1,2,3, MO Yafang1, Fang Xiaorong1, SHEN Lifeng1, LI Gang1, YANG Mei4, WEI Guoyu1
1.Gaofeng Foestry Farm of Guangxi;2.Nanning, Guangxi University,Guangxi Nanning,;3.China;4.Guangxi University
In order to screen the suitable broad-leaved tree species for Southern Guangxi, several growth indicators such as, height, diameter, crown size and preserving rate of 18 broad-leaved tree species( 9-yearold)in southern Guangxi were investigated. The results showed that there were significant differences in the preserving rate among different tree species. The preserving rate of Cinnamomum camphora, Aquilaria sinensis and Exbucklandia populnea were poor while the other tree species were higher, indicating their strong adaptability to the local environment in southern Guangxi. There were significant differences in tree height, DBH and crown growth among different tree species. By means of cluster analysis, 18 tree species can be divided into three groups. Group A is dominated by Magnoliaceae, with larger DBH, tree height and faster growth rate; Group B is dominated by Leguminosae, Fagaceae and Lauraceae, with medium growth rate; Group C is mostly Leguminous plants, with slower growth rate. It is recommended that the fast-growing and highly adaptable broad-leavedtree species, such as Michelia hedyosperma, Acacia crassicarpa, M. alba, M. laosensis, Manglietia glance, M. macclurei and Jacaranda mimosifolia, While Dalbergia odorifera, Tectona grandis, Erythrophleum fordii, A. sinensis showed the slowest growth. The results would provide reference for the selection and structural adjustment of broad-leaved tree species in southern Guangxi.
Key words:   Broad-leaf tree species; preserving rate; height; diameter; correlation analysis; southern Guangxi