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王裕霞1,2, 潘文1,2, 黎建伟3, 徐斌2, 曾武3, 张卫华2, 蔡海荣2
引进 3 个棘托竹荪 Dictyophora echinovolvata 菌株在广东省高州市丛生竹林下进行不同菌株及 不同竹林郁闭度栽培对比试验,结果是:D89 号菌株在郁闭度 0.9 的条件下取得最高产量,其带托与去托 竹荪产量分别为 21 608.5 和 11 057.3 g,折合每平方种植面积的产量为 5 402.1 和 2 764.3 g,达到了较高 的产量水平。各个菌株在 3 种竹林郁闭度下栽培的平均产量从高到低排列的顺序为 D89、D- 古优 1 号、 D1 号,三者的去托竹荪平均产量数据非常相近。说明 3 个菌株均很适合在高州的竹林下栽培,并且均可 获得较高的产量。不同菌株对竹林郁闭度的适应能力表现出一定的差异,D- 古优 1 号较其他两个菌株适 应性强,3 个菌株均较适合在竹林郁闭度为 0.7 和 0.9 的条件下栽培。
关键词:   棘托竹荪 ; 优良菌株 ; 栽培 ; 丛生竹
The Cultivation Experiment of Dictyophora echinovolvata under Sympodial Bamboo Forest in Gaozhou, Guangdong Province
1.Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Bio-control for the Forest Disease and Pest;2.Guangdong Academy of Forestry, Guangzhou
Three strains of Dictyophora echinovolvata were introduced to conduct comparative experiments of different strains and canopy density cultivation under sympodial bamboo forest in Gaozhou, Guangdong province. The results showed that the strain D89 had the highest D. echinovolvata yield under the condition of canopy density 0.9, and the yields of bamboo fungus with and without D. echinovolvata were 21 608.5 and 11 057.3 g, respectively. The yield of strain D89 was 5 402.1 and 2 764.3 g per square planting area, which reached a high yield level. The average yields of three strains under three canopy densities were ranked that D89 had the highest and the D1 have the lowest. However, the average for three strains without D. echinovolvata were very similar, suggesting that the three strains were suitable for cultivation under sympodial bamboo forests in Gaozhou and could obtain higher yields. The adaptability of three strains showed some differences in different canopy density of sympodial bamboo forest, and D-Guyou 1 was more adaptable than the other two strains. All three strains were suitable for cultivation when canopy closure of sympodial bamboo forest was 0.7 and 0.9.
Key words:   Dictyophora echinovolvata;superior strains;cultivation;sympodial bamboo