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广东省东江林场 广东 紫金,广东省东江林场 广东 紫金,广东省东江林场 广东 紫金,广东省东江林场 广东 紫金,中国林业科学研究院 热带林业研究所 广东 广州,中国林业科学研究院 热带林业研究所 广东 广州,中国林业科学研究院 热带林业研究所 广东 广州
以黧蒴 Castanopsis fissa 皆伐改造林分为研究对象,分析黧蒴萌芽林和改造树种的生长表现 及其与林分结构的关系,对改造效果进行综合评判。9 年生时黧蒴萌芽林生长显著高于套种树种,占 据林冠上层;套种树种处于林冠下层,受光照不足和发育空间限制,胸径和树高等生长指标下降,高 径比偏高,冠幅偏小。现有模式下树种间比较发现,树种间的生长和适应性存在明显差异,山杜英 Elaeocarpus sylvestris 和灰木莲 Magnoliaceae glanca 属于生长较快的树种,油桐 Vernicia fordii、红锥 Castanopsis hystrix、海南蒲桃 Syzygium hainanense 和香樟 Cinnamomum camphora 属于中等速生树种,格 木 Eryrophleum fordii 属于生长较慢树种。改造效果综合分析显示,该模式优势在于提高改造树种的干形 和自然整枝高度、抑制格木和香樟等树种幼林期虫害发生,不足之处在于黧蒴萌芽林生长快、密度高, 套种树种的生长受到抑制,长期来看面临较高的淘汰风险。根据改造树种生长、适应性和林分结构综合 分析,建议对改造树种进行针对性的空间释放,降低竞争压力,提高其生长潜力,保障林分健康发展。
关键词:   林分改造 ; 黧蒴 ; 套种树种 ; 林分结构 ; 竞争
基金项目:广东省林业科技创新项目 (2018KJCX026)。
Analysis of the Relation between the Interplanted Tree Species Growth and Stand Structure in Stand Transformation of Castanopsis fissa Sprout Plantation
xuweibing,libaobin,panjunguang,chenyaohui,zhaozhigang,000 and
Dongjiang State Forest Farm,Dongjiang State Forest Farm,Dongjiang State Forest Farm,Dongjiang State Forest Farm,research institute of tropical forest,caf,research institute of tropical forest,caf,research institute of tropical forest,caf
The growth performance of Castanopsis fissa sprout stand and interplanted tree species and their relationship with stand structure were analyzed, and the effect of stand 投注appation was evaluated comprehensively. At 9-year-old, the growth of C. fissa sprout stand was significantly higher than that of interplanted tree species, and occupying the upper canopy layer; interplanted tree species were in the lower canopy layer, restricted by insufficient light and development space, the growth index of DBH and tree height decreased, the ratio of height to diameter was higher, and the crown width was smaller respectively. In the current stand 投注appation model, there were obvious differences in the growth and adaptability among interplanted tree species. Elaeocarpus sylvestris and Magnoliaceae glanca were belong to the fast-growing tree species, while Vernicia fordii, Castanopsis hystrix, Syzygium hainanense and Cinnamomum camphora were belong to the medium-speed tree species, and Eryrophleum fordii were belong to the slow-growing tree species. The comprehensive analysis of the stand 投注appation effect showed that the advantages of the model were to improve the stem shape and natural pruning height of the modified tree species, to restrain the occurrence of pests in the young forests of E. fordii and C. camphora. The disadvantages of the model were that the growth of C. fissa sprout stand was fast, and the density was high, the growth of interplanted tree species were restrained seriously, and the risk of natural elimination was high in the long term. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the interplanted tree species growth and adaptability, and its relation with stand structure, it was suggested that the stand structure must be reformed to release interplanted tree species growth space to reduce the competitive pressure, and improve their growth potential and ensure the healthy development of the stand.
Key words:   stand 投注appation; Castanopsis fissa; interplanted tree species; stand structure; competition