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研究以黄山市率水流域水陆交错带典型植物群落为对象,沿主河道设置了 33 个样方,采用 法瑞学派调查法记录样方的物种组成和群落结构;并根据离水面距离和土壤基质类型划分了 3 种生境类 型:砾石型河漫滩、粘土型河漫滩以及河岸边坡,进而进行群落类型划分与生态梯度分析。结果表明: 调查区域有维管束植物共计 67 科 124 属 146 种;水陆交错带植被可分成 15 个群落类型,包含 3 个森林 群落、3 个灌丛群落和 9 个草本群落;森林群落均出现在河岸边坡生境类型中,灌从群落多见于粘土型河 漫滩,草本群落主要集中于砾石型河漫滩;非度量多维标度分析表明,存在于上下游之间和水陆之间的 两个生态梯度是影响群落物种组成的重要因素,并且在两个生态梯度中心过渡区,植物群落丰富度达到 最大。
关键词:   群落分类;植物多样性;生态梯度
Community Types and Characteristic of Riparian Vegetation of Shuaishui River, Huangshan City, China
WANG Peixiang and WANG Bolun
Environmental Monitoring Station of Huangshan,Hongxing Road,Tunxi District,Huangshan,245000,Environmental Monitoring Station of Huangshan,Hongxing Road,Tunxi District,Huangshan,245000
In this study, riparian vegetation was investigated in 33 relevés along Shuaishui River Huangshan city, China. Species compositions and community structure were recorded by following the Braun-Blanquet method. Moreover, all relevés were grouped into three habitat types: gravelly floodplain, sedimentary floodplain, riverbank, based on distance to water and the soil parent materials. Then, plant communities were classified by clustering and the underlying ecological gradients were analyzed by ordination. The results showed that there were 146 vascular plant species belonging to124 genera and 67 families in all relevés. All the relevés could be classified into 15 communities, including three forest communities, three scrub communities and nine herbaceous communities. All forest communities occurred at river bank habitat, while scrub communities and herbaceous communities were more common at sedimentary floodplain habitat and gravelly floodplain habitat respectively. The two ecological gradients of upstream - downstream and aquatic - terrestrial affected the species component of riparian vegetation based on the analysis of non-metric multidimensional scaling method. Moreover, the species richness of plant community got maximum at the middle of two gradients. The results are helpful for riparian vegetation conversation and restoration along Shuaishui River.
Key words:   community classification; plant diversity;ecological gradients