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天堂山林场森林地上生物量及碳储量的遥感估算 模型构建

基于广东省清远市天堂山林场的二类调查小班数据和 landsat8 遥感影像和多元逐步回归的方法,建立森林地上生物量模型,进而构建森林地上碳储量模型,对天堂山林场森林碳储量及其分布进行了估算,并讨论了预测结果及其精确性。结果表明:阔叶林、针叶林和混交林生物量模型的拟合优度分别为 0.77、0.67、0.69。基于碳储量估算模型计算生成的天堂山林场碳储量分布图与采用二类森林调查数据得到的碳储量分布图空间分布一致。验证了基于 landsat8 遥感影像的碳储量模型能为森林碳储量提供快速准确的估测。
关键词:   森林;生物量;碳储量;遥感;估算模型
Remote Sensing Model for Forest Above-ground Biomass and Carbon Storage in Tiantang Mountain Forest Farm
CHEN Ridong,LIN Shiquan,PAN Guoying and CHEN Yueming
Guangdong Eco-engneering polytechnic,Guangzhou,Guangdong Senlin Greening Co,Ltd,Guangzhou,QingyuanYinzhan forest farm,Qingyuan,Guangdong Eco-engneering polytechnic,Guangzhou
Models were established with the stepwise regression based on Landsat 8 imagery and forest inventory data in Tiantang mountain forest farm to estimate the forest above-ground biomass and carbon storage,and discusses the results of prediction concluding accuracy. The results show that determination coefficient of above-ground biomass models of broad-leaf, coniferous and mixed forests are 0.77, 0.67 and 0.69 respectively. The spatial distribution pattern of forest above-ground carbon storage predicted by models is consistent with that base on forest inventory data. The result indicates that carbon storage model base on Landsat 8 imagery developed a new idea for fast and accurate estimation of forest carbon storage, providing a scientific basis for future survey and management of forest resources.
Key words:   forest; biomass; carbon storage; remote sensing; estimation model