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采用野外调查与查阅标本相结合的方法 , 对广东省中山市香山自然保护区的蕨类植物区系进行 研究 , 结果表明:该保护区共有蕨类植物 29 科 51 属 92 种。从科的组成看,以单属科和寡属科占优势, 占区内总科数的 93.10%;从属的组成看,以单种属和寡种属占优势,占区内总属数的 96.08%。分布区类 型在科和属的水平上皆以热带、亚热带性质为主,占各自总数的 58.62% 和 52.94%;科和属的分布区类 型显示出该区蕨类植物区系从热带向亚热带过渡的性质,与温带蕨类植物区系的联系较弱。在种的水平 上热带亚洲分布及东亚分布类型构成了该区蕨类植物区系的主体,各占 38.04% 和 26.09%。与周边 4 个 地区的比较中,与澳门的相似性较高。
关键词:   广东中山香山自然保护区;蕨类植物;区系分析
Floristic Analysis of Pteridophyte in Xiangshan Nature Reserve of Zhongshan,Guangdong Province
dengzhifang,,,, and
Guangzhou Zhong-sen Forestry Co.Ltd,Guangzhou Zhong-sen Forestry Co.Ltd,Guangzhou Zhong-sen Forestry Co.Ltd,Guangzhou Zhong-sen Forestry Co.Ltd,1,1
According to field investigation, the floristic composition and element of pteridophyte were analyzed in Xiangshan Nature Reserve of Zhongshan, Guangdong Province. The result shows that there are 92 species pteridophyte belonging to 29 families and 51 genera. From the composition of the family, the number of single families and minor families are the most, which rate 93.10%. According to the composition of the genus, the single genus and minor genus are dominant, accounting for 96.08% of the total genera in the region. The distribution types are mainly tropical and subtropical in the level of the families and genera, accounting for 58.62% and 52.94% of the total. The distribution types of families and genera indicate the nature of the transition from the tropics to the subtropical region of the floristic composition of pteridophyte in this area. The relationship with the temperate fern flora is weaker. At the level of species, the distribution of tropical Asia type and East Asia type constitute the main body, accounting for 38.04% and 26.09% respectively. Compared with the surrounding 4 regions, the similarity with Macao is higher.
Key words:   Xiangshan Nature Reserve of Zhongshan, Guangdong; pteridophyte; floristic analysis