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采用 DRIS 诊断法对广西 6~8 a 生马尾松 Pinus massoniana 人工幼林高、低产组针叶进行营 养诊断,测定 10 种矿质营养元素 (N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Zn、Fe、Cu、Mn 和 B) 的含量,探讨马尾松人 工幼林养分需求规律,制定马尾松人工幼林养分平衡诊断标准。结果表明:广西马尾松人工幼林的需肥 顺序为 P > B > K > Zn > N > Mn > Mg > Fe > Ca > Cu,最缺乏的元素是 P,其次是 B、K、N、 Zn,最不缺乏的是 Ca、Cu。针叶 N、P、K 元素浓度比值范围为 N/P = 12.81 ±3.75、N/K = 2.62±0.30、 P/K=0.22±0.08。 马 尾 松 工 幼 林 叶 片 养 分 适 宜 范 围 为:N 9.36~15.44、P 0.72~1.29、K 3.84~5.63、Ga 3.65~5.63、Mg 0.31~1.53 g · kg-1、Cu 2.14~3.01、Zn 20.66~66.42、Fe 30.26~203.19、Mn 330.02~561.38、 B1.13~15.71 mg · kg-1。根据该诊断标准可有效诊断马尾松针叶营养元素丰缺程度,指导林农“对症下 药”,实现精准施肥。
关键词:   尾松; 人工幼林; 针叶营养; DRIS诊断
基金项目:广西创新驱动发展专项资金项目(桂科AA17204065);广西科技基地和人才专项(桂科AD17129051);广西优良用材林资源培育重点实验室自主课题(15-A-02-04);广西林业科技项目(桂林科研[2015]45号)第一作者:覃祚玉(1986-),女,工程师。主要从事植物营养诊断与土壤生态研究。E-mail:lxyqinzuoyu@163.com通讯作者:曹继钊(1972-),男,教授级高工,主要从事林木营养诊断与肥料研究。 E-mail:jizhaocao@163.com ,曹继钊*,覃其云,石媛媛,农必昌,唐 健
Studies on Nutrient Synthetic Diagnosis for Pinus massoniana Young Plantation
Qin zuo-yu,,,, and
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Forestry,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Forestry,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Forestry,1,1,1
The DRIS was used to diagnose the high and low yield types of 6~8 year old Pinus massoniana plantation in Guangxi. 10 kinds of mineral nutrients(N,P,K,Ca,Mg,Zn,Fe,Cu,Mn,B) were determined,the nutrient requirement characteristics of P. massoniana young plantation was studied,and the nutrient balance diagnostic standard was established. The results showed that the sequence of nutrition requirements in P. massoniana young plantation was P > B > K > Zn > N > Mn > Mg > Fe > Ca > Cu.The DRIS diagnostic results indicated that the most deficient leaves elements were phosphorus,followed by boron,potassium,nitrogen and zinc,and the most wealthy elements were Ca and Cu. The optimal N / P,N / K and P / K ratios were 12.81 ±3.75,2.62±0.30,0.22±0.08 respectively. The suitable concentration ranges of N,P,K,Ca,Mg,Cu,Zn,Fe,Mn and B were 9.36~15.44,0.72~1.29,3.84~5.63,3.65~5.63,0.31~1.53 g · kg-1,2.14~3.01, 20.66~66.42, 30.26~203.19,330.02~561.38,1.13~15.71 mg · kg-1,and those diagnostic standard could judge the main mineral nutrient level status in leaves to guide farmers to “suit the remedy to the case”,and achieve scientific and accurate fertilization.
Key words:   Pinus massoniana;young plantation;leaf nutrient diagnosis;DRIS