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通过嫁接对木麻黄的亲本进行矮化是开展木麻黄杂交育种的重要技术基础。为了研究木麻黄 不同亲缘间嫁接对嫁接亲和力和花诱导的影响,以木麻黄属的短枝木麻黄(Casuarina equisetifolia)为砧 木,分别以同种的短枝木麻黄,同属不同种的细枝木麻黄(C. cunninghamiana)、粗枝木麻黄(C. glauca) 和不同属的滨海木麻黄(Allocasuarina littoralis)为接穗,开展木麻黄不同亲缘关系间的嫁接研究,研究 种内、种间和属间嫁接对木麻黄嫁接亲和力和花诱导的影响。研究结果表明,木麻黄种内嫁接的亲和力 最高,无性系接穗嫁接成活率高达91.4%,实生苗接穗为87.0%;而种间嫁接的亲和力显著低于种内嫁 接,细枝木麻黄接穗和粗枝木麻黄接穗嫁接成活率分别为36.0% 和45.0%;属间的嫁接未发现有成活的 例子,其嫁接亲和力为0。在嫁接对接穗的花诱导方面,种内嫁接的无性系接穗次年开花率为74.2%,显 著高于种内嫁接的实生苗接穗(42.3%)和种间嫁接的细枝木麻黄(39.8%)和粗枝木麻黄(35.6%)。
关键词:   木麻黄;亲缘关系;嫁接亲和力;花诱导
基金项目:广东省林业科技创新项目“沿海防护林基干林带主要树种木麻黄良种选育关键技术研究与示范(2014KJCX017)”; “十二五”林业科技支撑计划专题“抗逆生态树种木麻黄新品种选育(2012BAD01B0603)”
Effects of Genetic Distance between Rootstock and Scion on Grafting Compatibility and Flower Induction in Casuarina
ZHANG Yong,NE Sen,ZHONG Chong-lu,CHEN Yu and Wei Yongcheng
Research Institute of Tropical Forestry,CAF,Fujian Academy of Forestry,Research Institute of Tropical Forestry,CAF,Research Institute of Tropical Forestry,CAF,Research Institute of Tropical Forestry,CAF;Fujian Academy of Forestry
Dwarfing of parental trees is a crucial supporting technique for successful cross breeding of Casuarina. In this study, grafting experiments were conducted to study the effects of 投注app relationship between rootstocks and scions on grafting compatibility and flower induction in Casuarina. Main results was summarized as follows: Homograft showed highest grafting compatibility, grafting survival rate of intra-specific scions of clonal C. equisetifolia reached 91.4%, but 87.0% in scions of C. equisetifolia seedlings. Heterograft showed significantly lower grafting compatibility than that of homograft, and the grafting survival rates of inter-specific scions of C. cunninghamiana and C. glauca were 36.0% and 45.0% respectively. No living scion was found between C. equisetifolia and Allocasuarina littoralis, means there are no grafting compatibility in inter-generic grafting. With regard to flower induction, flowering rate of intra-specific scions of clonal C. equisetifolia was 74.2%, significantly higher than intra-specific scions of C. equisetifolia seedlings (42.3%) and inter-specific scions of C. cunninghamiana (39.8%) and C. glauca (35.6%).
Key words:   Casuarina; 投注app distance; grafting compatibility; flower induction