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以国营雷州林业局纪家林场 1 至 5 年生的华桉 1 号(Eucalyptus urophylla×E. tereticornis 无性 系)、DH32-29(E. urophylla×E.grandis 无性系)无性系为对象,通过 SPSS 软件曲线模拟与综合分析,研 究两个无性系树冠结构与林分因子之间的关系,得出两个无性系树冠表面积、树冠体积随着年龄生长的 变化规律,发现华桉 1 号的树冠小于 DH32-29,表明华桉 1 号的生长潜力比 DH32-29 小,在生产实践中 已得到验证;成功模拟了两个无性系树冠表面积、树冠体积分别与树高、胸径、冠幅及冠长之间共 16 个 关系模型,综合比较各模型,两个无性系的树冠表面积、树冠体积均与冠长拟合最好,而与其它 3 个林 分因子的拟合程度较差,对树冠表面积而言,与树高的拟合较好,次之为胸径;对树冠体积而言,与胸 径拟合较好,次之为树高。
关键词:   桉树无性系;树冠结构;林分因子;数学模型
Study on Relationship Between Crown Structure and Stand Factors of Eucalyptus Paper Pulp Plantation
ZHANG Shui-hua,LIU Li-ting and MO Xiao-yong
Guangdong Forest Inventory and Planning Institute,Jiangxi Academy of Forestry,Nanchang Jiangxi,College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture, South China Agriculture University
The paper studied the relationship between crown structure and stand factors of 1 to 5 years of Eucalyptus hua'an 1 and DH32-29 on Jijia forest farm in Leizhou Forestry Bureau by SPSS curve simulation of and comprehensive analysis, it was concluded that the growth variation of crown surface area and crown volume of two clones with age, and found the crown of Eucalyptus hua'an 1 was less than DH32-29, and indicated that the growth potential of Eucalyptus hua'an 1 was less than DH32-29, and this has been proven in the production practice; and successfully simulated 16 mathematical models between the crown surface area, crown volume respectively and tree height, diameter at breast height, crown width and crown length, after comprehensive comparison between models, and found the crown surface area and crown volume were both best fitted with crown length, on the degree of fitting of the other 3 stand factors, in terms of crown surface area, it was better fitted with tree height, and followed by diameter at breast height, in terms of crown volume, it was better fitted with diameter at breast height, and followed by tree height.
Key words:   Eucalyptus clones; Crown structure; Stand factor; Mathematical model