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为指导公路建设中植物和表土资源的保护工作,以在建广东清云(清远市至云浮市)高速公 路为研究对象,采用样方法调查分析了沿线典型植物群落多样性及表土养分特性。结果表明:天然林乔 木层的物种丰富度高于其他类型人工林,灌木层和草本层的多样性指数、丰富度指数低于人工林,但是 均匀度指数仍以天然林类型最高,且两者在物种组成上差异较大;天然林表土的有机质含量最高,其他 养分含量也相对较高,其次为人工针叶林,而人工桉树林、经济林等类型表土养分指标含量普遍较低; 植物多样性与部分表土养分特性之间具有显著的负相关性。研究建议,清云高速公路建设应首先对沿线 天然林群落进行重点保护,通过技术和管理手段同时对建群种和表土进行保护和收集;具有生态效益的 人工林是保护的主要对象,应尽可能保护植物资源并收集表土,减少环境破坏;其他类型群落的植物和 表土作选择性保护和收集,降低施工环境扰动面积。
关键词:   公路建设;植物多样性;表土特征
highway construction;plant diversity;topsoil characteristics
Management Center of Guangdong Nanyue Transportation Investment Construction Co Ltd,Sihui,China Academy of Transportation Sciences
 In order to guide the conservation of plant and topsoil resources during the highway construction, the quadrat method was adopted to investigate the typical plant community diversity and topsoil nutrient characteristics along Qing-Yun highway. The results showed that the species richness in the tree layer of natural forest was higher than that of other types of plantation. Species diversity index and richness index were both lower in the natural shrub and herbaceous layer relative to plantation, but the evenness index was still the highest natural forest types. There was a big difference in species composition between natural forest and plantation. In addition, the organic matter content was the highest in natural forest topsoil, and other nutrient content was rich as well, which was similar to that in artificial coniferous forest, but contrary to that in the topsoil of artificial eucalyptus forest, economic forest and other types. Moreover, there was a significantly negative correlation between species diversity and topsoil nutrient characteristics. The research suggested that the protection of natural forest communities along the Qing-Yun highway should be focused on firstly during the construction, and the constructive species and the topsoil in it should be protected at the same time through technical and managerial means. The plantation with ecological benefits is the main target of protection, in order to reduce environment destruction plant resources should be protected to the fullest as well as the topsoil collection. For other community types, plants and topsoil resources could be selectively protected to reduce the disturbing area in construction
Key words:   highway construction; plant diversity; topsoil characteristics; protection countermeasures