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2013 年 1 月—2017 年 4 月期间,每月对广州市流花湖公园病虫害发生情况进行调查,详细记 录公园内主要园林植物病虫害的危害发生时间、地点、危害部位和危害程度等。结果显示,近 5 年公园 内共发现虫害 26 种,病害 17 种,以及 2 种寄生植物,其中刺吸式害虫 18 种,食叶害虫 6 种,蛀干害虫 2 种,真菌病害 15 种,病毒病 2 种。公园内病虫害发生具 5 个特点:(1)病虫种类多,但仅少数种类危 害程度为严重;(2)刺吸式害虫危害普遍;(3)隐蔽性的卷叶类害虫危害较严重;(4)白粉病和锈病危 害严重;(5)病虫害局部发生严重。
关键词:   流花湖公园;园林植物;病虫害
基金项目:广州市林业和园林局财政预算科研项目(穗财编 [2015] 98 号)
Analysis on Plant Diseases and Insect Pests in Guangzhou Liuhuahu Park
TANG Lihong,ZHANG Jinai,BI Keke,SUN Longhua and WU Chao
Guangzhou Insitute of Forestry and Landscape Architecture,Guangzhou Insitute of Forestry and Landscape Architecture,Guangzhou Insitute of Forestry and Landscape Architecture,Guangzhou Insitute of Forestry and Landscape Architecture,Guangzhou Insitute of Forestry and Landscape Architecture
During January 2013 to April 2017, the occurrence of plant pests and deseases in Guangzhou Liuhuahu Park was investigated and, the occurance time, location, damage location and damage degree of the major pests and diseases in the park were recorded. The results showed that in the past 5 years, there were 26 pests, 17 diseases and 2 parasitic plants have been found in the park, including 18 species of sucking pests, 6 species of leaf pests, 2 species of stem pests, 15 fungal diseases and 2 viral diseases. According to the results analysis, five characteristics of the occurrence of pests and diseases in the park were found: (1)only a few species of pests and diseases caused serious damage; (2) the sucking pests was the most commonly found pest in the park; (3) leaf pest caused high degree of damage in the park; (4) powdery mildew and rust caused serious damage; (5) pests seriously endangered plants in specific part in the park.In response to the actual situation of the park, four prevention and control proposals were proposed.
Key words:   Liuhuahu Park;landscape plant;diseases and pests