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杨 希,范弘达,洪宜聪
杉木扁长蝽是为害杉木种子的主要种实害虫之一。为探索杉木扁长蝽无公害防治的方法和措施,克服种子园的各种自然因素给防治工作造成的困难,制定出经济、高效、环保与杉木种子园生产水平相适应的防治措施,笔者2016年在福建省沙县、将乐县,选用4%鱼藤酮乳油、5%桉油精可溶液剂、碧绿1%苦参碱、1.2%烟碱.苦参碱乳油和1%苦皮藤素可溶液剂,运用喷烟、喷雾技术,防治杉木扁长蝽若虫,结果表明:药后3 d,防治效果均达90%以上;这5种药剂对杉木扁长蝽若虫有良好的杀虫作用,可迅速降低杉木种子园内的杉木扁长蝽若虫的虫口密度,对杉木扁长蝽若虫能起控灾作用,可作为林间防治杉木扁长蝽若虫的药剂。
关键词:   杉木扁长蝽;杉木;种子园;种实害虫;无公害防治
基金项目:福建省公益类科研院所专项(2015R1011-6);国家林业局南方山地用材林培育重点实验室、福建省森林培育与林产品加 工利用重点实验室资助。
Effects of botanical insecticides on the control effect of Sinorsillus piliferus
YANG Xi,FAN Hong-da and Hong Yicong
Fujian Academy of Forestry Sciences,Fuzhou,Fujian Academy of Forestry Sciences,Fuzhou,Forestry Bureau of Shaxian County of Fujian,Shaxian Fujian
Sinorsillus piliferus is one of the main pests of Cunninghamia lanceolata seeds.To explore the methods and measures of S.piliferus pollution prevention and control, prevention and control work to overcome all kinds of natural factors caused by seed orchard difficulties, develop environmental protection and the C. lanceolata seed orchard production level, adapt to economic and effective prevention measures, the author in 2016 in Shaxian County, Jiangle County, Fujian Province, the 4% rotenone EC and 5% eucalyptus oil fine solution, green 1% matrine, 1.2% matrine nicotine missible oil and 1% Celangulins solution, using smoke spray, spray technology, prevention and treatment of S.piliferus nymphae, results showed that: after 3 D, the control efficiency reached to 90%; these 5 agents have good insecticidal activity of S.piliferus nymphae, can rapidly reduce the population density of C. Lanceolata seed Orchard of S.piliferus nymphae, of S.piliferus nymphae can play a role as a chemical disaster control, the control of S.piliferus nymphae.
Key words:   Sinorsillus piliferus;Cunninghamia lanceolata;Seed orchard;seed pests;non pollution control.