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闽楠(Phoebe bournei)是中国特有的Ⅱ级濒危保护树种,为探索闽楠高效扦插繁育技术,文 章开展了不同条件下闽楠的嫩枝扦插生根效果研究,试验结果表明:(1)不同基质类型处理对闽楠嫩 枝扦插的生根率的影响差异极显著(P < 0.01),生根率超过 70% 的基质类型有 50% 黄心土 50% 泥炭 (79.33%)与泥炭(72.67%);(2)不同生根剂及质量浓度处理对闽楠嫩枝扦插的生根率的影响差异极显 著(P < 0.01),生根率超过 70% 的生根剂类型及质量浓度有 ABT900 mg/L(90.17%)、ABT600 mg/L (84.33%)、ABT300 mg/L(82.67%)与 NAA600 mg/L(82.33%);(3)不同季节处理对闽楠嫩枝扦插的 生根率的影响差异极显著(P < 0.01),生根率超过 70% 的扦插季节为春(4 月)(75.67%)与秋(9 月) (70.17%)。闽楠嫩枝的最佳生产扦插方法为 ABT900 mg/L 质量浓度浸泡处理 24 h 后,选用 50% 黄心土 50% 泥炭基质进行扦插,扦插季节为春季或秋季,其嫩枝扦插生根率较高。
关键词:   闽楠;嫩枝扦插;基质类型;季节;生根剂
Study on Softwood Cutting Technology of Phoebe bournei
Fan Jianming,Xie Jinlan,ZHang Dongsheng,Wang Yunchang,Luo Wanye and Lin Li
Forestry Research Institute of Meizhou,Forestry Research Institute of Meizhou,Forestry Research Institute of Meizhou,Meizhou Shui Kou Forest Farm,Forestry Research Institute of Meizhou,Forestry Research Institute of Meizhou
Phoebe bournei is a grade II endangered species endemic in China. To explores an efficient cutting technique with softwood of P. bournei, this paper carried out a study on the rooting effects of softwood of P. bournei under different conditions. The results showed that: (1) The effect of different substrate types on the rooting rate of shoots had a highly significant difference (P <0.01), and the rooting rate of more than 70% were 50% yellow soil 50% peat (79.33%) and peat (12.67%). (2) The effects of different rooting agents and concentration treatments on rooting rate of shoots had an extremely significant difference (P <0.01), and the rooting rate of more than 70% were ABT 900 mg/L(90.17%)、ABT600 mg/L(84.33%)、ABT 300 mg/L (82.67%)and NAA 600 mg/L(82.33%). (3) The effects of different seasons on the rooting rate of shoots had a highly significant difference (P <0.01), and the rooting rate of more than 70% was spring (April) (75.67%) and autumn (September) (70.17%). The optimum cutting method was as follows: after 24 h under the treatment of ABT 900 mg/L concentration, and 50% yellow soil 50% peat matrix was used for cutting in spring or autumn, its softwood cutting rooting rate is higher.
Key words:   Phoebe bournei;softwood cuttings;substrate type;season;rooting agent