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现今,我国没有专门针对地采暖地板的相关标准。国标 GB 18580—2001 中只对常温条件下 (20 ℃或 23 ℃)地板的甲醛释放量有明确规定,而对于地采暖条件下(30~40 ℃)地板甲醛释放限量值 没有可供参考的科学值。又因为甲醛检测方法不同和测试结果的表征方式不同,使得测试结果可比性差。 试验采用 3 种测试方法,分别对同种地采暖地板样品进甲醛放量的测试,分析在不同溫度条件下甲醛释 放量的变化规律,为测试方法的改进和发展提出合理化建议。
关键词:   地采暖地板;甲醛释放量;气候箱法;干燥器法
Study on Formaldehyde Emission of Laminate Flooring under Different Temperature Conditions
LI Lamei,Xie Guijun and LI Xingwei
Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization;Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization;Guangdong Academy of Forestry,广州市天河区龙洞广汕一路233号投注app实验楼108
Nowadays, there is no specific standard for heating floor in China. In GB 18580-2001, the amount of formaldehyde emission on the floor is clearly defined only at room temperature(20 ℃ or 23 ℃), while the value of formaldehyde released by the heating floor under high temperature (30-40 ℃) is not available for reference. Because of the differences between the various testing methods and different represent ways of test results, leading to poor test results comparable. In this experiment, three kinds of test methods were used to test the amount of formaldehyde in the same kind of floor heating under different temperature conditions, and the change of formaldehyde emission was analyzed, give the rationalization suggestion for the improvement and development of test methods.
Key words:   ground floor heating; formaldehyde emission; chamber method; desiccator method