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通过铺设米老排(Mytilaria laosensis)等12个阔叶树种的对比试验和调查其生长指标,评价6 a生多树种混交林分中各树种的生长表现。结果表明:除了土沉香(Aquilaria sinensis)的保存率仅为32.3%外,试验林其它11个树种6 a生时的保存率均在90%以上,表明了绝大多数树种对当地环境具有良好的适应性;不同树种的胸径和树高生长差异显著,其中西南桦(Betula alnoides)和米老排生长表现最好,胸径年均生长量为2.49和2.36 cm,树高年均生长量为1.79和1.47 m;而油楠(Sindora glabra)、土沉香和格木(Erythrophleum fordii)等珍贵树种,其胸径和树高的年均生长量均最低;通过聚类分析可知,西南桦和米老排属于速生型,红椎(Castanopsis hystrix)、山桂花(Paramichelia baillonii)、山杜英(Elaeocarpus sylvestris)以及灰木莲(Magnoliaceae glanca)属于较速生型,火力楠(Michelia macclurei)、红苞木(Rhodoleia championii)以及乐昌含笑(M. chapensis)属于中生型,油楠、土沉香和格木属于慢生型。基于上述分析,推荐米老排、西南桦、红椎、山桂花和灰木莲等5个较速生、适应性强且病虫害少的树种用于营建粤西地区的生态公益林。
关键词:   阔叶树种;生态公益林;保存率;树高;胸径
Growth performances of twelve broad-leaf tree species in Yunfu, Guangdong province
LI Yingfeng,LI Shaowei,GONG Yiguang,LI Guoxin,ZHANG Dong and DENG Bingquan
Xijiang Forest Farm of Xijiang Forestry Bureau in Guangdong Province,Research Institute of Tropical Forestry,Chinese Academy of forestry,Liangdongjing Forest Farm of Xijiang Forestry Bureau in Guangdong Province,Xijiang Forest Farm of Xijiang Forestry Bureau in Guangdong Province,Xijiang Forest Farm of Xijiang Forestry Bureau in Guangdong Province,Xijiang Forest Farm of Xijiang Forestry Bureau in Guangdong Province
Growth performances of multiple tree species in the six-year-old mixed forest were evaluated based on the establishment of the contrastive trial of 12 broad-leaf tree species and the investigation of growth index. The results showed that the preserving rate of Aquilaria sinensis was 32.3% while that of the other 11 tree species was higher than 90%, indicating the high adaptability of most tree species to the the local environment. Significant differences were found in the growth index among different tree species in the mixed forest. The growth of Betula alnoides and Mytilaria laosensis were the best which annual DBH increments were 2.49 cm and 2.36 cm, and the annual height increment were 1.79 m and 1.47 m, respectively. Sindora glabra, Erythrophleum fordii and A. sinensis had lowest increment of DBH and height. By means of cluster analysis, B. alnoides and M. laosensis were classified into very fast-growing type; Castanopsis hystrix, Paramichelia baillonii, Elaeocarpus sylvestris and Magnoliaceae glanca were belonging to fast-growing type; Michelia macclurei, Rhodoleia championii and M. chapensis were categorized to moderately growing type, and S. glabra, A. sinensis and E. fordii were attributed in the slow-growing type. In conclusion, five fast-growing tree species of M laosensis, B. alnoides, C. hystrix, P. baillonii and M. glanca characterized with great adaptability and strong resistance to diseases and pests, were recommended to establish the ecological welfare forest in western Guangdong.
Key words:   broad-leaf tree species; ecological welfare forest; preserving rate; tree height; DBH