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粘木(Ixonanthes chinensis)为国家三级珍稀濒危植物,由于森林的砍伐和不合理开发利 用,其生存正受到严重威胁。对深圳马峦山发现的一片保存完好的粘木群落进行样方调查分析,结果表 明:(1)群落中共有植物33 科43 属47 种;(2)群落可明显分为3 层,第一层为乔木层,高8~10 m, 优势树种为粘木、岭南山竹子(Garcinia oblongifolia)和降真香(Acronychia pedunculata);第二层为 灌木层,高2~3 m,树种主要有桃金娘(Rhodomyrtus tomentosa)、豺皮樟(Litsea rotundifolia)、余甘 子(Phyllanthus emblica)、变叶榕(Ficus variolosa)、漆树(Toxicodendron vernicifluum)、黄牛木(Cratoxylum cochinchinense)、簕欓(Zanthoxylum avicennae)、五列木(Pentaphylax euryoides) 和细齿叶 柃(Eurya nitida)等;第三层为草本层,主要以铁芒萁(Dicranopteris linearis)为主,覆盖度约60%。 (3)根据群落重要值统计分析,该群落建群种为粘木(66.991),优势种为岭南山竹子(34.409)、降真香 (27.967)、桃金娘(27.607)等;(4)总体上看,群落物种多样性、均匀度较高。考虑到粘木的严峻生存 现状,进一步提出对粘木进行就地保护、迁地保护及合理开发利用的保育对策。
关键词:   粘木;群落特征;马峦山
基金项目::佛山市公共服务与能力提升项目“大佛山区域生态修复与环境净化乡土植物筛选与工程示范实践”(2015AB004292);广 东省高职教育教学改革项目“高职院校生态修复工程专业创新创业教育与专业教育深度融洽的实践探索”(JZQN201702)。
The Community Characteristics of Ixonanthes chinensis of Mount Maluanshan in Shenzhen
Zhou Wenjun and Lin Shishi
Shenzhen Wenke Landscape Corp.,Ltd.,Guangdong Polytechnic of Environmental Protection Engineering
Due to deforestation and irrational exploitation of forests, the survival of Ixonanthes chinensis is seriously threatened. According to a field survey and analysis of plot data, the characteristics of plant community of I. chinensis in Mount Maluanshan in Shenzhen was studied. The results showed that there are 47 species form 43 genera belonging to 33 families. The community was divided into 3 layers, the first layer is the tree, about 8-10 m, which is dominated by I. chinensis, Garcinia oblongifolia and Acronychia pedunculata; the second layer is the shrub, about 2-3 m, which is dominated by Rhodomyrtus tomentosa and Litsea rotundifolia; the third layer is the herb layer dominated by Dicranopteris linearis, which covers 60% of the community. According to the statistical analysis of the importance value of community, the constructive species is I. chinensis, and the dominant species is G. oblongifolia, R. tomentosa and A. pedunculata. In general, the species diversity and evenness of community are higher. In view of the severe survival of this species, the paper further proposes the conservation strategies of local protection and reasonable exploitation of the wood.
Key words:   Ixonanthes chinensis;community characteristics;Mount Maluanshan