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南沙湿地公园是珠三角城市湿地公园的典型代表,是广州市现存最大的滨海湿地,在生态保护、 科普教育、文化展示、休闲旅游等方面发挥重要服务价值。运用市场价值法,分析 2010—2016 年南沙湿 地公园向公众直接提供的湿地生态旅游总价值及其变化趋势。研究结果表明,2010—2016 年间,广州南沙 湿地公园的湿地生态旅游价值总体呈先增加后逐步减少的趋势,由 2010 年的 18.71×10 6 元增加至 2012 年 的 58.35×10 6 元,随后又低至 2016 年的 40.00×10 6 元。在南沙湿地提供的生态旅游价值构成中,休闲旅 游价值是其最大组分,并与其变化趋势基本保持一致。而南沙湿地的生物多样性维持价值和科研教育价值 在各年份的生态旅游总价值中所占的比例均较低,但表现逐年增加的趋势。
关键词:   湿地;服务功能;南沙湿地公园;价值评价
Analysis of the Value Variation of Wetland Eco-tourism in Nansha Wetland Park
Wangdongxiu,Zhu Yufan,Huang Fei,Gaochangjun and Yixiaoqing
Guangdong Eco-Engineering Polytechnic,Guangdong Eco-Engineering Polytechnic,广东省广州市天河区天河区广汕一路297号,Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangdong Academy of Forestry
Nansha Wetland Park is a typical representative of the city wetland park in Pearl River Delta, and it is the largest coastal wetland in Guangzhou city, which plays a valuable role in ecological protection, science education, cultural presentation and recreation. This paper analyzes the total value and the changing tendency of wetland eco-tourism in Nansha Wetland Park from 2010 to 2016 by using the market valuation method. Results show that, from 2010 to 2016, the total value of wetland eco-tourism in Nansha Wetland Park had been gradually increased from 18.71×10 6 RMB yuan in 2010 to 58.35×10 6 RMB yuan in 2012, and then began to decline until 2016 as low as 40.00×10 6 RMB yuan. Recreation value in Nansha Wetland Park is the largest component in the value of eco-tourism composition, and it is consistent with the changing tendency. Conversely, the proportion of the value in biodiversity maintenance and scientific research education in Nansha Wetland Park are lower in the total value of wetland eco-tourism, but the proportion is increasing year by year.
Key words:   wetland;service function;Nansha Wetland Park;value assessment