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广东省韶关市乐昌龙山林场,广东省森林培育与保护利用重点实验室,广东省森林培育与保护利用重点实验室,广东省森林培育与保护利用重点实验室,广东省森林培育与保护利用重点实验室,广东省森林培育与保护利用重点实验室,广东省韶关市乐昌龙山林场 韶关,广东省韶关市乐昌龙山林场 韶关
对广东省乐昌市江南油杉(Keteleeria cyclolepis) 种源/ 家系试验林内 1 a 生苗木和2 a 生幼树生长开展试验分析,统计分析结果表明:苗木和幼树的种源效应和种源内的家系效应均达到显著或极显著水平(P < 0.05,P < 0.01),开展优良种源和家系选择可行;相关性分析表明苗木与幼树生长性状存在极显著的相关关系(α=0.01),苗木生长表现优良的种源/ 家系,在试验林中生长表现也较优;遗传参数估算研究表明,种源遗传力略大于家系遗传力,但各测定遗传力均处于中等偏下水平;早期优良种源、家系选择研究中,根据各种源/ 家系的高度和地径生长表现,选出优良种源2 个,优良家系6 个,优良家系均产于优良种源内。
关键词:   江南油杉;种源;家系;早期生长
Analyses for Early Growth of Provenances and Families of Keteleeria cyclolepis
Deng Wenjian,Wang Runhui,Zheng Huiquan,Hu Dehuo,Wei Ruping,Yan Shu,Lin Jun and Lai Xuen
Longshan forest farm,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization; Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization; Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization; Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization; Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization; Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Longshan forest farm,Longshan forest farm
Data of seedling and trial growth of Keteleeria cyclolepis were analysed in the study. The results showed that provenances effect and family within provenances effect were significant or highly significant in both seedling and trial, indicating provenances and families selection were feasible. Highly significant relationship existed between seedling and trial early growth, provenances and families growed well in seedling, also showed advantage in trial. Provenances hertiability was greater than family hertiability, but both were under medium level. According to height and diameter of ground height of the provenances and family, 2 superior provenances and 6 superior families were selected. All superior families came from the superior provenances.
Key words:   Keteleeria cyclolepis;provenance;family;early growth