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广东省林业科技推广总站 广东广州 、投注app 广东广州 、 湛江市林业良种繁育场 广东湛江,投注app,湛江市林业良种繁育场,投注app,广东省林业科技推广总站 广东广州 、投注app 广东广州 、 湛江市林业良种繁育场 广东湛江,投注app,湛江市林业良种繁育场
收集海南省儋州市、云南省西双版纳傣族自治州、中国香港、新加坡、越南河内市的 5 个雨树 (Samanea saman)种源,分析了不同种源在湛江市遂溪县的苗期及造林早期生长表现。结果表明,不同种 源雨树造林早期生长差异极显著(P < 0.01);其中新加坡种源早期生长综合表现最佳, 2.5 a 生树高均值 达 3.56 m,地径均值达 4.68 cm; 5 个种源 2.5 a 生平均保存率为 72.12%,保存率较低,主要是因为受 2015 年强台风的影响。
关键词:   雨树;种源;早期生长
Study on Early Growth Performance of Five Provenances of Samanea saman in Zhanjiang City, Suixi County
Qiu Zuowang,heboxiang,Zhou baobiao,Wang yingli,Wu guandi,Chen yiqun and Zhong Rimei
Guangdong Province Forestry Technology Extension Station,Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Zhanjiang City Forestry Breeding Farm,Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangdong Province Forestry Technology Extension Station,Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Zhanjiang City Forestry Breeding Farm
This paper studied the seedling and early growth proformance of different provenances in Suixi county of Zhanjiang city, and the 5 experimental Samanea saman species were collected from Danzhou Hainan, Xishuangbanna Yunnan, Hong Kong China, Singapore, and Hanoi Vietnam. The results showed that the early growth performance of different S. saman provenances showed extremely significant difference(P<0.01) , in which the provenances from Singapore showed the best overall performance, the tree height was 3.56 m, and average ground diameter was 4.68 cm. The average preserving rate of 5 provenances of 2 and a half year old was 72.12%, and the low preserving rate was mainly due to the strong typhoon in 2015.
Key words:   Samanea saman; provenances; early growth