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从木荷(Schima superba)优树树龄结构、选优林分起源和表型性状进行分析。结果表明,由 于人为破坏,木荷大龄资源较少,仅有 40% 的优树处于最佳采种年龄;选优林分起源相对合理,天然林 选出的优树株数占比达 52.1%,次生林和人工林选出的优树株数分别占 24.9%、 22.9%;树高、胸径生长 性状分析认为五株优势木法选出的木荷优树是合理、有效的,通过比较,在现有资源中选出最优的种质 材料,作为遗传改良的基础材料,本批优树胸径与 5 株优势木平均胸径差异幅度大于 20% 以上的优树有 146 株,占比达 69.52%;优树胸径年均生长量达速生指标的有 173 株,占 86.43%,而树高生长量达速生 指标的优树有 175 株,占 68.05%;从形质性状分析结果显示,优良树干尖削度,即高径比在 50 以上的优 树有 114 株,占比达 61.63%;在冠幅方面,优良冠幅的优树,即冠幅小于等于 6 m 的有 128 株,占总株 数的 53.56%。木荷优树的叶果性状在个体及种源间均呈极显著差异(P<0.01),聚类分析显示木荷优树叶 果有 4 种类型。在以后深入研究中,应对生长量大、尖削度小且为窄冠型优树的研究与利用加以重视。
关键词:   木荷;优树;生长;叶果性状
基金项目:广东省属科研机构改革创新领域项目“珍贵树种培育创新团队建设”(2016B070701008);广东省林业科技创新专项项目“优良乡土阔叶树种无性快繁关键技术开发与产业化”( 2014KJCX002); “樟树、木荷、黎蒴等重要乡土阔叶树种良种选育及高效栽培技术研究与示范”(2014KJCX001-01)
Phenotype Analysis of Schima superba Superior Trees
Wang Sihong and Cheng Zhisheng
Longyandong Forest Farm of Guangdong Province,Longyandong Forest Farm of Guangdong Province
In this paper, the tree age structure, the origin and phenotypic traits of Schima superba superior trees were analyzed. The results showed that due to the destruction of resources, there were fewer matural resources, only 40% of the trees in the best seed age; the selection of forest origin was relatively reasonable, natural forest were selected superior trees accounted for 52.1%, secondary forest and plantation selected superior tree number accounted for 24.9% and 22.9%, respectively. Based on tree height and DBH growth traits analysis, the method of 5 dominant trees were considered to be reasonable and effective, and the optimal germplasm was selected from the existing resources. As the basic material for 投注app improvement, there were 146 excellent trees with the difference of DBH between the DBH and the dominant tree diameter of more than 20%, accounting for 69.52%. The average annual growth of tree DBH as the fast-growing index of 173, accounting for 86.43%, while the height growth of fast-growing tree index was 175, accounting for 68.05%. The results of the quality traits showed that there are 114 excellent trees with more than 50 height-diameter ratios, accounting for 61.63%. In the crown, there were 128 superior trees, which crown width was less than or equal to 6 m, accounted for 53.56% of total plants. The leaf traits of S. superba were significantly different between individuals and provenances (P <0.01). Cluster analysis showed that there were 4 types of leaves and fruit of S. superba superior trees. The focus of future studies are the research and utilization of large growth, shallow cutting and small crown.
Key words:   Schima superba; superior tree; growth; phenotype traits