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何莹泉,陈雄伟,陈钰皓,刘锡辉,余瑞娟,丁 丹,刘培兴,朱卫东
通过测定防火林带枯落物水喷淋前后含水率的变化,建立枯落物含水率与时间变化曲线模型, 得出枯枝和枯叶的含水率与时间变化函数。结果表明,喷淋 1 h 后林内枯枝、枯叶含水率分别从喷淋前的 17.6%、 13.1% 升至 45.9%、 59.2%,之后含水率随时间延长逐渐下降;喷淋后,林带内枯枝、枯叶由易燃 和可燃状态转变为不燃和难燃状态,并分别维持 26.4、 23.9 h。 1 次有效的水喷淋能显著提高林带防火能 力。
关键词:   水喷淋;防火林带;枯落物;含水率
Effects of Water Spray on Moisture Content of Litter in the Fire Forest Belt
HE Yingquan,CHEN Xiongwei,CHEN Yuhao,LIU Xihui,YU Ruijuan,DING Dan,LIU Peixing and ZHU Weidong
Forestry Investigating and Planning Institute of Guangdong Province,Forestry Investigating and Planning Institute of Guangdong Province,Forestry Investigating and Planning Institute of Guangdong Province,Lingnan Integrated Exploration and Design Institute of Guangdong,Forestry Investigating and Planning Institute of Guangdong Province,Forestry Investigating and Planning Institute of Guangdong Province,Forestry Investigating and Planning Institute of Guangdong Province,Forestry Investigating and Planning Institute of Guangdong Province
The moisture content and time variation curve of litter-fall was established by measuring the change of moisture content before and after spraying of litter, and the moisture content and time variation function of dead branches and dead leaves were obtained. The results showed that the moisture content of dead branches and dead leaves increased from 17.6%, 13.1% to 45.9%, 59.2% respectively, after water spraying, and then the moisture content decreased gradually with the time. After spraying, the dead branches and dead leaves in the forest belt were changed from flammable and combustible to noncombustible and flame-resistant states and maintained at 26.4 and 23.9 h respectively. An effective water spray can significantly improve the forest fire resistance.
Key words:   water spray; fire forest belt; litter-fall; moisture content