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文章采用文献检索、实地调查和问卷调查的方法,分析了广州市人民政府 1985—2008 年公布 的中心城区 1~5 批古树名木的资源现状及市民对其的认知度。结果表明,广州市中心城区古树名木种类 丰富,共 24 科 37 属 44 种,主要分布在街道、公园、名胜古迹、企事业单位、宗教场所、学校等场所; 目前古树名木的开发利用存在文化内涵未能合理利用、市民对古树名木的认知度不足且参与度不高等问 题;建议在今后古树名木的开发利用中,结合园林景观、历史古迹、宗教文化、神话传说等内容,根据 不同场所开展各种主题旅游活动,同时政府应加强对市民的宣传教育力度。
关键词:   广州;中心城区;古树名木;开发利用
The Resources and Utilization of Ancient and Famous Trees in Central Districts of Guangzhou City
Lu Zijun,Liu Xihui and Tu Huiping
Guangzhou Peisen Landscape Design Company,Guangzhou Guangdsong,Lingnan Integrated Exploration and Design Institute of Guangdong,Guangzhou Guangdong,College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture,South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou Guangdsong
This paper studied the resources and public recognition of the ancient and famous trees, which were announced by the People’s Government of Guangzhou Municipality from 1985 to 2008, through the methods of literature retrieval, field survey and questionnaire survey. The results showed that there were 44 species of ancient and famous trees belonging to 37 genera and 24 families in central districts of Guangzhou, which were distributed mainly in streets, parks, places of interest, enterprises, religious sites and schools. At present, the utilization of ancient and famous trees had failed to make reasonable use of cultural connotations, and the public’s lack of awareness and participation in ancient and famous trees was not high. It is suggested that the utilization of ancient and famous trees in Guangzhou city should be carried out in combination with landscape, historical sites, religious culture, myths and legends. The various tourism activities should be carried out according to different environment, meanwhile, the government should strengthen the publicity and education of the ancient and famous trees. Guangzhou; central district; ancient and famous tree; utilization
Key words:    Guangzhou; central district; ancient and famous tree; utilization