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以采自日本不同地区的抗松材线虫病黑松品种“虹青”(Pinus thunbergii‘ Hongqing’)种子 为材料,研究不同基质处理下的种子出苗率、成苗率及幼苗生长的差异。结果表明:以蛭石为黑松容器 育苗基质,除东京都町田市种子的成苗率低于净营养基质处理外,其出苗率、以及静岡县御殿场市、九 州种子的出苗率和成苗率均高于净营养基质和河沙处理,其中九州种子的出苗率及成苗率最高,分别为 62.7% 和 52.1%;河沙处理的出苗率和成苗率均最低;九州的种子质量最佳,播种于蛭石中的 7 个月幼苗 平均高 8.85 cm,地径为 5.1 mm;东京都町田市的种子质量最差。采用蛭石为育苗基质,对立枯病进行早 防早治,能大幅度提高黑松出苗率及成苗率。
关键词:   基质;松材线虫病;黑松“虹青”;容器育苗
分类号 S723.1
Effects of Pinus thunbergii ‘Hongqing’Container Seedling Against Bursaphelenchus xylophilus on Different Substrates
liucuilan,wudejun,wangyinhua,wangkaifang,liuyuanqian,lizicheng,zhongweiguo and yanliping
Shandong Provincial Academy of Forestry,Shandong Provincial Academy of Forestry,Shandong Provincial Academy of Forestry,Shandong Provincial Academy of Forestry,Shandong Provincial Academy of Forestry,Shandong Provincial Academy of Forestry,Shandong Provincial Academy of Forestry,Shandong Provincial Academy of Forestry
The Pinus thunbergii‘ Hongqing’ seeds with Bursaphelenchus xylophilus resistance from different regions of Japan were selected in this investigation. Effect of different substrates on the emergence rate, seedling percentage, and growth of the pine seeds were studied in this paper. The results showed that vermiculite treatment achieved the highest germination and seedling rate. The seedling percentage of Tokyo Machida seeds in vermiculite substrate were lower than that in net nutrient substrate. The emergence rate of Machida seeds, and the emergence rate and seedling percentage of seeds from Gotemba city, Shizuoka Prefecture and Kyushu city were higher than that in net nutrient substrate and river sand. Kyushu city seeds achieved the highest emergence rate and emergence rate, which reached 62.7% and 52.1%, respectively. Among all the substrate, river sand had the lowest emergence rate and seedling percentage. The average heights of the Kyushu city seeds were 8.85 cm, and the diameters were 5.1 mm. Kyushu city seeds had the best quality, oppositely, Tokyo Machida seeds had the worst quality. Therefore, the using of vermiculite as the nursery substrate, and early prevention and control of the seedling blight could significantly improve the emergence rate and seedling percentage of the pine seeds.
Key words:    substrate; Bursaphelenchus xylophilus; Pinus thunbergii‘ Hongqing’; container seedlings