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为了研究笼养丹顶鹤在越冬期对寒冷地区的适应性, 2014年11—12月采用瞬时扫描法对沈阳森林动物园鹤基地的8对丹顶鹤(Grus japonensis)进行昼间行为的研究和领域利用情况的调查。结果发现,越冬期雌雄丹顶鹤昼间对采食区、运动场、遮阴棚的利用存在一定差异,雌性丹顶鹤在雪前、雪中和雪后采食行为有极差异显著(P<001),雪前和雪中张望和采食行为差异显著(P<005)。雪中和雪后除张望和采食行为差异极显著(P<001)外,其他行为均不显著;雄性丹顶鹤雪前和雪中游走、警戒、休息行为差异显著(P<005),雪中和雪后理羽、游走和张望差异极显著(P<001),雪前和雪后休息行为差异显著(P<005)。笼养雌雄性丹顶鹤在北方高纬度地区越冬期分别采用不同的行为对策来适应低温环境。
关键词:   丹顶鹤,越冬期,领域利用,时间分配,北方高纬度地区
分类号 S723.1
Study of Daytime Behavior and Territory Use of Captive Grus japonensis in the Cold Region during Winter
ZHAO Fanju,SONG Yanzhu,ZHAO Jun,YANG Yadong,WANG Yi and CHEN Wu
Shenyang Forest Zoo limited company,Shenyang Forest Zoo limited company,Shenyang Forest Zoo limited company,Shenyang Forest Zoo limited company,Guangzhou Zoo
The aim of this study was to research the adaptability of the captive Grus japonensis in northern cold region during winter. Daytime behaviors and territories used of 8 pairs of captive Grus japonensis in the crane base of Shenyang Forest Zoo were studied and investigated from November to December of 2014 by instantaneous scan method.The results showed that there were difference between female and male cranes in the use of feeding area, active area and shade area in overwintering stage. The foraging behavior of female Grus japonensis had highly significant difference(P<0.01) in the three stage of snowing (before snowing, snowing and after snowing). There were significant difference(P<0.05) of looking and foraging behavior in the stage of before snowing and snowing. In addition to looking and foraging behavior had highly significant difference(P<0.01), other behavior were no significant difference. There were significant difference(P<0.05)of travel behavior, alerting behavior and rest behavior of male Grus japonensis before snowing and snowing, and there were highly significant difference(P<0.01)of feeding behavior, travel behavior and looking behavior between the periods of snowing and after snowing, rest behavior had significant difference(P<0.05) before snowing and after snowing. Observations indicated that female and male Grus japonensis were used different behavioral strategies to adapt to the low-temperature environment in winter in the northern high attitude region.
Key words:   Red;crowned crane(Grus;japonensis),Overwintering;period, Territory;use, Time;budget, Northern;high attitude;region