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通过实地调查、采集标本等方法,并查阅有关文献资料,对惠州市古寨水源林自然保护区植 物区系进行研究。结果表明该山区共有野生维管植物155 科505 属882 种/ 变种。古寨种子植物种类丰 富,单种科和单属、少属科以及单种、少种属均较多,区系地理成分复杂,在科水平上有7 个分布区类 型,在属水平上有13 个分布区类型7 个变型,以热带、亚热带分布的科、属为主,具有南亚热带向热 带过渡的性质,有比较明显的热带成分。古寨植物区系的特有性在科的水平上很低,无中国特有科。中 国特有属共3 属,为杉木属( Cunninghamia)、石笔木属( Tutcheria)和箬竹属( Indocalamus),这些特有 属具有古老性和孑遗性,它们的属数和种数较少,在区系中所占的比例为0.59%。科、属的特有性表明 该植物区系属于华夏植物区系。此外,古寨共有国家二级重点保护植物4 种,分别为金毛狗(Cibotium barometz)、樟树(Cinnamomum camphora)、土沉香(Aquilaria sinensis)和苏铁蕨(Brainea insignis); 有国家三级重点保护植物沉水樟(Cinnamomum micranthum)。
关键词:   古寨自然保护区;植物区系;优势科;国家保护植物
分类号 Q948.2
Study on Flora at Country-level Guzhai Water Conservation Forest Nature
Cheng Fang,Liu Fengqiang,Ding Xiaolong,Wu Linfang and Zeng Feiyan
Forestry Bureau of Huicheng district,Huizhou city,Caomufan ecological environment Co Ltd South China Botanical Garden,Chinese Academy of Sciences,South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences,South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences
The paper studied the flora in Guzhai water conservation forest nature reserve based on the sample collection, field survey and literature information. The results showed that there were 882 species and varieties of wild vascular plants in the mountainous area belong to 155 families and 505 genera. There were wild seed plant species, and had a lot of single species, the single genus, belonging to a small, and single and fewer genera. The floristic geographical elements were complex. 7 distribution types were in the family level, there were 13 distribution types and 7 variants in the genus level. These families and genera were mainly in tropical and subtropical distribution, and had a nature of subtropical to tropical transition and obvious tropic components. The characteristics of flora in this ancient village were lower at the level of families, and there are no endemic families in China. Chinese endemic genera of 3 genera were Cunninghamia, Tutcheria and Indocalamus, these seed plants had their unique ancient and relic. Their genera and species were less, accounts for the proportion in flora were also small, only 0.59%, while they had important significance to study the flora characteristics. The flora belongs to the flora of China. In addition, this ancient village had four plants under second state protection, such as Cibotium barometz, Cinnamomum camphora, Aquilaria sinensis and Brainea insignis, Cinnamomum micranthum was the plants under third state protection.
Key words:   Guzhai Nature Reserve;flora;dominant family;national protected plants