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华南农业大学 林学与风景园林学院,华南农业大学 林学与风景园林学院,华南农业大学 林学与风景园林学院,华南农业大学 林学与风景园林学院,华南农业大学 林学与风景园林学院
为合理开发和有效利用观果树木资源,丰富城市园林绿化树种,提高城市景观和生态综合效 益,采用查阅相关文献和实地考察相结合方法,调查研究了广州市观果树木资源现状及其在城市园林绿 化中的应用效果。结果表明,广州城区观果树木种类丰富,共36 科60 属123 种,主要应用在城市主干 道路、主体公园和住宅小区。目前观果树木的应用已取得了良好的社会、生态、经济和景观效应。建议 广州市在今后城市园林规划中,充分利用现有观果树木种类并根据区域特色适度引进新品种;在大力推 广观果树木景观应用的同时,应加强市民文明行为养成教育。
关键词:   观果树木;园林绿化;景观配置;应用效果
分类号 S686
The Resources and Landscape Application of Ornamental Fruit Trees in Guangzhou
QI Jiamin,XU Jiaqi,ZHU Wen,XU Yilin and XI Ruchun
College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture,South China Agricultural University,College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture,South China Agricultural University,College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture,South China Agricultural University,College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture,South China Agricultural University
In order to develop and use ornamental fruit tree resources effectively, and enhance the botanical garden afforestation and its urban landscape tree plantings, this paper studied the resources and landscape application of ornamental fruit trees in Guangzhou with the investigation methods of consulting material and on-the-spot researches. The results showed that there were 123 species of ornamental fruit trees belonging to 60 families and 36 genera in Guangzhou, which were mainly applied to city botanical gardens, landscape belts, theme park and residential district. At present, the landscape application of ornamental fruit trees had achieved good social, ecological, economic and landscape effects. In the future urban landscape planning, Guangzhou city should take full advantage of existing ornamental fruit trees and introduce some new species based on regional characteristic. It is extremely essential to promote the ornamental fruit tree landscaped application and strength the civilized behavior of citizen at the same time.
Key words:   Ornamental fruit tree;Garden afforestation;Landscape arrangements;Application effect