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为探讨合果木(Paramichelia baillonii )、火力楠(Michelia macclurei)、灰木莲(Magnoliaceae glanca)3 种木兰科植物在中山市的生长表现,对三乡、长江水库、五桂山及中山树木园4 个造林地点3 种植物的树高、胸径、冠幅和枝下高进行调查分析。结果表明,3 种木兰科植物生长速度排名为灰木莲> 火力楠>合果木;在4 个造林地点的生长表现依次为:树木园>五桂山>三乡>长江水库。通过对3 种 木兰科植物各指标的相关性分析发现,树高和胸径的相关性系数最大,其次为树高和枝下高,相关系数 均在0.7 以上。3 种木兰科植物在中山市生长较为迅速,适合营造城市复合景观,有很好的园林开发利用 前景。
关键词:   中山市;木兰科;灰木莲
分类号 S731.2
Comparison on Growth Performance of Three Magnoliaceae Species in Zhongshan City
Lin Jun-xin,He Xiu-yun,Xiu Xiao-juan,Jiang Chun-ning and Huang yong-fang
zhongshan Institute of Forestry Science,Zhongshan,zhongshan Institute of Forestry Science,Zhongshan,College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture, South China Agricultural University,College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture, South China Agricultural University
In order to understand the growth of Paramichelia baillonii, Michelia macclurei and Magnoliaceae glance,the growth indices of the three Magnoliaceae species were investigated in Sanxiang, Changjiang Reservoir, Wugui Mountain and Zhongshan arboretum of Zhongshan City in Guangdong Province. The results are as followed. The GrowthSof the three Magnoliaceae species were quiteSsatisfied. In regard to the growth rate, the species arranged in order from higher to lower are Magnoliaceae glance>Michelia macclurei>Paramichelia baillonii, in regard to the growth of different afforestation site, they are Zhongshan arboretum>Sanxiang>Wugui Mountain>Changjiang Reservoir. TheSresultsSofScorrelationSanalysisSindicated that the tree height and the DBH had the best correlation, the tree height and the clear bole height were followed. The correlation coefficient was greater than 0.7.
Key words:   Zhongshan;Magnoliaceae;Magnoliaceae glanca