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景观林带树种选择与配置研究* —— 以惠州市为例

以广东省惠州市4 个区/ 县绿化景观林带为调查对象,选取5 种生境中共19 种景观林带树种 进行7 次周期性样方调查,结果表明:水田洼地生境的景观林带树种胸径、树高增长系数值相对较高, 分别在0.23 ~ 0.97 和0.16 ~ 0.47 之间。水田洼地美丽异木棉(Chorisia speciosa)树高生长显著优于沿 海荒地生境和宜林荒地生境(P < 0.05);凤凰木(Delonix regia)在宜林荒地生境胸径生长显著优于碎石 荒山生境和难造林坡地生境(P < 0.05);红花羊蹄甲(Bauhinia blakeana)在水田洼地生境中胸径生长优 于碎石荒山生境、难造林坡地生境和沿海荒地生境,黄槐(Cassia surattensis)在碎石荒山生境中胸径生 长显著低于难造林坡地生境和沿海荒地生境(P < 0.05)。树种成活率最高值和最低值分别出现在水田洼 地生境和碎石荒山生境,海滨木槿(Hibiscus hamabo)、红花羊蹄甲、麻楝(Chukrasia tabularis)、美丽 异木棉、秋枫(Bischofia javanica)、桃花心木(Swietenia mahagoni)在水田洼地生境成活率都为100%, 而幌伞枫(Heteropanax fragrans)在宜林荒地生境成活率为15%。关联性聚类分析显示19 个树种主要聚 为两大分支,其中成活率和相关系数值较高的树种在聚类图中聚为一类。结合调查数据统计和分析,提 出5 种生境条件下景观林树种最佳配置模式。
关键词:   景观林带;树种选择;树种配置;惠州市
分类号 S731.8
Study on Selection and Configuration of Landscape Forest Belt Species——Taking Huizhou City as An Example
SHENG Dayong,NIU Xiaonan,MA Hongyan,ZHOU Jigang,XU Ping,ZHU Zipiao,SHU Xiazhu and LAI Wuting
Huizhou Institute of Forestry Science,Huizhou,Guangzhou Carbon Sink Forestry Limited Company,Guangzhou,Huizhou Institute of Forestry Science,Huizhou,Huizhou Institute of Forestry Science,Huizhou,Guangzhou Carbon Sink Forestry Limited Company,Guangzhou,Huizhou Institute of Forestry Science,Huizhou,Guangzhou Carbon Sink Forestry Limited Company,Guangzhou
Nineteen tree species were investigated through seven periodic times under five habitats plots of landscape forest belt in four district of Huizhou city. According to the results analysis, the coefficient value of diameter at breast height and tree height growth relatively higher in paddy habitats, during 0.23 ~ 0.97 and 0.16 ~ 0.47 respectively. The growth of DBH and tree height of Chorisia speciosa were better at paddy habitats than the coastal desert and waste land habitat, and a significant difference was found in tree height growth(P < 0.05); The DBH growth of Delonix regia was significantly better in the waste land habitat than gravel barren hills habitat and difficult slope afforestation(P < 0.05). The DBH growth of Bauhinia blakeana was better in paddy habitat than gravel barren hills habitat, difficult slope afforestation and the coastal desert habitat; The DBH growth of Cassia surattensis in the gravel barren hills habitat was significantly lower than difficult slope afforestation and the coastal desert habitat(P < 0.05). The highest and the lowest survival rate of species in landscape forest appeared on paddy habitats and gravel barren hills habitats, the survival rate of Hibiscus hamabo, Bauhinia blakeana, Chukrasia tabularis and Chorisia speciosa, Bischofia javanica and Swietenia mahagoni were all 100% at paddy habitats, the survival rate of Heteropanax fragrans only 15%. Correlation clustering analysis showed that 19 tree species were mainly clustered into two major branches, and the trees with higher survival rate and correlation coefficient wasclustered in one branches. According to the statistics and analysis of survey data, the allocation patterns of landscape forest tree species in the 5 habitats are recommended.
Key words:   landscape forest belt;species selection;species configuration;Huizhou city