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组织8 位林业专业技术员依据5 分制评分标准对梅州地区野生刨花润楠(Machilus pauhoi)的9 个观赏评价指标进行评分记录, 在层次分析法基础上运用熵技术对权系数进行修正并进行评价分析。评价结 果表明:(1)叶片性状的权重值为83.33%, 明显高于其他性状;(2)熵技术修正后各性状不同观赏评价因子 的权重值排序为:叶大小(39.36%)>叶形(26.48%)>叶色(8.55%)>冠形(8.11%)>株形(7.73%) > 叶密集度(3.39%)>耐修剪性(3.22%)>色叶期长短(1.94%)>生长势(1.22%);(3)熵技术修正后 25 株刨花润楠不同单株分为4 个等级: Ⅰ级(4.0 ≤ A ≤ 5.0)观赏价值高, 共计2 个单株;Ⅱ级(3.6 ≤ A < 4.0)观赏价值较高, 共计8 个单株;Ⅲ级(3.0 ≤ A < 3.6)观赏价值中等, 共计8 个单株;Ⅳ级(0 < A < 3.0)观赏价值低, 共计7 个单株。观赏价值高的单株编号分别为:2012-01、2015-24。
关键词:   刨花润楠;层次分析法;熵技术;评价
分类号 S792.24
基金项目:广东林业科技创新项目“刨花楠优良种质资源筛选及栽培技术研究与示范” ﹙2014KJCX004-04﹚
Ornamental Evaluation on Wild Machilus pauhoi Based on AHP and Entropy Technology
ZHANG Dongsheng,XIE Jin-la,YE Xue-lan,CHEN Cong n,HUANG Jin-rong,CHEN Gui-qiong,LUO Wan-ye and WEI Jin-qiu
Forestry Research Institute of Meizhou,Forestry Research Institute of Meizhou,Forestry Research Institute of Meizhou,Forestry Research Institute of Meizhou,Forestry Research Institute of Meizhou,Forestry Research Institute of Meizhou,Forestry Research Institute of Meizhou
 The nine ornamental evaluation scores of wild Machilus pauhoi were graded through the organization of eight forestry professional technicians based on five-mark standards and evaluated with Analytic Hierarchy Process in Meizhou. Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process, the weight coefficient was modified and evaluated by the entropy technology. There were three evaluation results were listed as follows: (1) The leaf traits weight was 83.33% which was higher than other traits; (2) After modification with entropy technique, the order for leaf traits weight in different evaluation factors was leaf size(39.36%) > leaf shape(26.48%) > leaf color (8.55%) > crown types(8.11%) > plant type(7.73%) > leaf density(3.39%) > trim degree(3.22%) > color leaf stage(1.94%) > growth vigor(1.22%); (3) According to the comprehensive evaluation value which modified by entropy technology, 25 different wild M. pauhoi were divided into 4 grades. Level Ⅰ(4.0 ≤ A ≤ 5.0)type of higher ornamental value, totally 2; Level Ⅱ(3.6 ≤ A < 4.0)type of high ornamental value, totally 8; Level Ⅲ(3.0 ≤ A < 3.6)type of moderate ornamental value, totally 8; Level Ⅳ(0 < A < 3.0)type of low ornamental value, totally 7. Type of higher ornamental value was 2012-01, 2015-24 respectively.
Key words:   Machilus pauhoi;Analytic Hierarchy Process; entropy technology;evaluation