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华南农业大学林学与风景园林学院 广州,安徽省六安市园林绿化管理局 六安,华南农业大学林学与风景园林学院 广州,华南农业大学林学与风景园林学院 广州
为研究ERM 真菌对杜鹃品种“淡妆”(Rhododendron“ Danzhuang”)的抗热性是否有促进作 用,测定高温胁迫下接种ERM 真菌的杜鹃品种“淡妆”叶片生理指标的变化,结果表明:基质灭菌处理 的侵染率比基质不灭菌处理的侵染率高,均高于不接种处理;接种ERM 真菌能降低高温胁迫对杜鹃品种 “淡妆”叶片的伤害程度,其中基质灭菌的处理表现优于基质不灭菌的处理。高温胁迫下,接种ERM 真 菌提高了杜鹃叶片的抗氧化酶活性,而对膜脂过氧化作用的产物积累影响较小,在一定程度上可以提高 杜鹃“淡妆”的抗热性。
关键词:   杜鹃“淡妆”;ERM 真菌;高温胁迫;生理指标
分类号 S685.21
Changes of Rhododendron Young Plants Inoculated with ERM Fungi in Physiological Indexes under High Temperature Stress
luoqian,heying,songzhuoda and yushujun
Liu’an City Administration of Landscape Architecture,South China Agricultural University,South China Agricultural University
By measuring the heat resistance of Rhododendron "Danzhuang" inoculating with ERM fungi under high temperature stress, this paper tested some physiological indexes of Rhododendron "Danzhuang". The results showed that the inoculation rates in sterilized substrates were higher than non-sterilized substrates. Inoculation with ERM fungi could reduce the damage degree of high temperature stress on the leaves of Rhododendron "Danzhuang", the young plants of sterilized substrates grew better than non-sterilized substrates. Under high-temperature stress, inoculation with ERM fungi could increase the antioxidant enzyme activity of the leaves, while there was little effect on the accumulation of membrane lipid peroxidant and ERM fungi could improve the heat resistance of Rhododendron "Danzhuang" to some extent.
Key words:    Rhododendron "Danzhuang";ERM fungi;high temperature stress;physiological index