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梅州市林业科学研究所 梅州 514011,梅州市林业科学研究所 梅州 514011,梅州市林业科学研究所 梅州 514011
关键词:   枫香; 子代测定; 家系选择; 遗传增益; 现实增益
分类号 S792.99
Plus-trees progeny testing and family selection of Liquidambar formosana
Zhang Hanyong,Ding Wenen and Xiao Laxing
Meizhou Forestry Science Institute Meizhou 514011,Meizhou Forestry Science Institute Meizhou 514011
The plus trees of Liquidambar formosana were planted in Meinan Forest Farm in 2005 for the progeny test.The results showed that: seven years later,highly significant differences were observed in height,diameter-at-breast-height(DBH) and individual volume, and their heritability of these three traits were 0.84,0.82 and 0.83. The coefficients of variation were 14.53%, 23.31% and 33.45%, Based on the volume growth of the high and stable yield, high yield, and choose 31 family 20 broad families, 8 superior families, The volume of 投注app gain of 25.26%, 35.63% and 49.13% respectively. The results of the study in order to further carry out the development and application of liquidambar thoroughbred laid a foundation.
Key words:   Liquidambar formosana; progeny test; family selection; geneic gain; real gain