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广东省森林病虫害生物防治重点实验室, 投注app,,广东省森林病虫害生物防治重点实验室, 投注app
以新选育的木荷优良家系为材料,开展组培快繁育苗技术研究。结果表明,木荷适宜的初代培养基为GD 6-BA 1.50mg?L-1 NAA 0.50 mg?L-1,继代培养基为GD 6-BA 1.00mg?L-1 IAA 0.30 mg?L-1,生根培养基为1/2GD IBA 1.00mg?L-1 NAA 0.05mg?L-1 IAA0.80mg?L-1。芽苗增殖倍数为3.1倍,生根率达96.67%。探索出适宜的驯化、移栽和后期管理技术,使优良家系生根苗的移栽存活率达到92.2%。
关键词:   木荷;优良家系;组织培养
Tissue Culture and Micropropagation of Superior Families of Schima superba Gardn.et Champ
zhou lihua, and he boxiang
Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Bio-control for the Forest Disease and Pest, Guangdong Academy of Forestry, Guangzhou
A newly-selected superior family of Schima superba Gardn.et Champ was used for tissue culture and micropropagation. The explants of stem segments displayed the optimum initial growth on the primary media GD 6-BA 1.50 mg?L-1 NAA 0.50 mg?L-1, the highest proliferation rate of 3.1 times on subculture GD 6-BA 1.00 mg?L-1 IAA 0.30 mg?L-1, and 96.67% rooting rate on medium 1/2GD IBA 1.00mg?L-1 NAA 0.05mg?L-1 IAA0.80mg?L-1 Suitable techniques and procedures were identified for acclimatization, transplantation and later-period management of tissue-cultured plantlets. The survival rate of the superior family was 92.2%.
Key words:   Schima superba Gardn.et Champ, superior families, tissue culture