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在全面调查普洱市七叶莲野生资源地理分布基础上,用温度指数、湿度指数等水热指标分析了七叶莲野生资源地理分布与气候因子间的关系;分析了七叶莲野生资源与地形的关系;分析了海拔与七叶莲总皂甙含量相关性。结果表明:七叶莲野生资源在普洱市全市均有分布,在喀斯特地貌集中区域分布较为集中,其水平分布范围为99°20′11″~101°55′04″E,22°18′20″~24°17′58″N,垂直分布范围为500~1900 m。经主成分分析表明,影响七叶莲地理分布的主要水热指标的排序为热量因子>降水因子>湿度因子;相关分析结果表明,七叶莲所分布的海拔高度与其林木枝叶总皂甙的含量高低具高度的相关性,其相关系数为一0.948,在样木分布的最高海拔组与最低海拔组间其含量比为1:1.5。
关键词:   七叶莲;野生资源;分布;分析;研究
Analysis on the wild resource distribution of Schefflera elliptica (Blume) Harms in Pu`er City
ZhuZhen-rong,Liu Qing-yun,LiuYue,DuanHai-long and XuLi-ping
Pu`er City Institute of Forestry Sciences,Pu`er City in Yunnan province,665000,Pu`er City Institute of Forestry Sciences,Pu`er City in Yunnan province,665000,Pu`er City Institute of Forestry Sciences,Pu`er City in Yunnan province,665000,Pu`er City Institute of Forestry Sciences,Pu`er City in Yunnan province,665000
Based on a comprehensive survey of the geographical distribution wild resources of Pu`er City Schefflera elliptica (Blume) Harms, analysis of relationship between it and climate factors and the correlation between the altitude and total saponin content of Schefflera elliptica (Blume) Harms, using the temperature index、humidity index and other climate index.SThe results showed that:First, the wild resources of Schefflera elliptica (Blume) Harms,located in Pu"er City,Sthe horizontal distributionSin 99°20′11″~101°55′04″E,Sand vertical distribution Srange of 500~1900SM.Second,principal component analysis showed that the mainSwaterheatSindex what affectedthe geographicalSdistributionS wild resources of Pu`er City Schefflera elliptica (Blume) Harms, of indicators was heatSfactorS>Sprecipitation factorS>Shumidity factor.In the end,correlation analysis resultsSalso show ed thatSthe altitude distribution and itsStotal saponinScontentSof treeSbranches and leavesShad correlation,Sits correlation coefficien is -0.948,the highest inSaltitude groupsSlikeSwoodSdistributionSandSthe minimum altitude ofSbetween groupSthe contentSratio of 1:1.5.Accordingly,Swe can consider to apply it in theSexcellentSsourceSof Schefflera elliptica (Blume) Harms, andShigh content ofSplus tree selection.
Key words:   Schefflera;elliptica (Blume) Harms, wild;resource, distribution, analysis,research