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通过盆栽试验,采用尿素、过磷酸钙各4个水平共8个处理,研究N、P肥对湿加松幼苗的生长效应。结果表明,尿素和过磷酸钙均对湿加松生长有显著影响;各处理对湿加松地径生长的影响在9—12月差异显著,N1处理地径最大,P2处理次之;各处理对冠幅生长的影响在7—11月有显著差异,7月以N2处理冠幅最大,8—11月则以P2处理最大;各处理对苗高生长的影响差异不显著。对湿加松苗木生物量和植株N、P含量的分析表明,施用一定量的尿素、过磷酸钙可改善植株的养分状况,过量施用则不利于N、P的正常吸收;湿加松苗木最佳施肥组合是每株施尿素6 g+过磷酸钙30 g+氯化钾15 g。
关键词:   湿加松;尿素;过磷酸钙;盆栽试验
分类号 S723.7
Studies on Effects of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizer on Pinus elliottii×P. caribaea Seedlings
yanghaidong and zhengdaoxu
Forest Research Institute of Shantou City
The effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer on growth of Pinus elliottii×P. caribaea potted seedlings was studied, using different concentrations of carbamide and calcium superphosphate. The results showed that both carbamide and calcium superphosphate had significant effects on the growth of the seedlings. The ground diameter was significantly effected by different concentrations of carbamide and calcium superphosphate from September to December, and the treatment of N1 was the best one, P2 was the second. The crown was significantly influenced by different treatments from June to November, the crown of N1 was remarkable in July, and P2 showed best from July to November. The tree height had no significant difference among treatments. Analysis results of biomass, the total nitrogen and total phosphorus showed that using a suitable quantity of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer could improve the nutrient of seedlings. The best combination of fertilization was 6 g carbamide 30 g calcium superphosphate 15 g potassium chloride.
Key words:   Pot experiment;Carbamide;Calcium superphosphate;Pinus elliottii×Pinus oaribae