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佛山市云勇生态林养护中心 广东 佛山,投注app 广东 广州,佛山市云勇生态林养护中心 广东 佛山,佛山市云勇生态林养护中心 广东 佛山,投注app 广东 广州,投注app 广东 广州,投注app 广东 广州
调查分析了广东省佛山市云勇生态林养护中心生态示范区林龄4~10 a生、总面积1 826.3 hm2的林分改造效果,结果显示:(1)生长较好、树高年生长量在1.0 m以上的乡土阔叶树种有高山望、楝叶吴茱萸、黧蒴、千年桐、灰木莲、尖叶杜英、仪花、海南石梓、乐昌含笑、山杜英、红锥、枫香、红荷木;树高年生长量在0.8~1.0 m的树种有山乌桕、樟树、乌桕、红苞木、木荷、黄樟、香椿、广东润楠、降香黄檀、阴香、秋枫、重阳木、润楠、浙江润楠等,上述树种适合于珠三角乃至南亚热带地区生态公益林营造;(2)初步筛选出8个配置方案,其树种组成为2~7个,可根据造林区域自然条件,分别应用于生态景观林建设或以地带性稳定森林群落恢复为目标的生态公益林建设。
关键词:   云勇;生态公益林;树种选择;树种配置
Preliminary Study about Tree Selection and Configuration of Yunyong Ecological Forest
Pan Lijun,Wang Minghuai,,,, and
Guangdong Academy of Forestry,,,,,
Forest reform was carried out in Yunyong ecological forest demonstration plots. Species and its growth traits in 4 to 10-year-old forests were investigated in 1 826.3 hm2 plot. The results are as follows: native broadleaf species of height growth more than 1.0 m per year included Elaeocarpus japonicus, Evodia meliaefolia, Castanopsis fissa, Vernicia montana, Magnoliaceae glauca, Elaeocarpus apiculatus, Lysidice rhodostegia, Gmelina hainanensis, Michelia chapensis, Elaeocarpus sylvestris, Castanopsis hystrix, Liquidambar formosana and Schima wallichii. And height growth of species including Sapium discolor, Cinnamomum camphora, Sapium sebiferum, Rhodoleia championii, Schima superba, Cinnamomum porrectum, Toona sinensis, Machilus kwangtungensis, Dalbergia odorifera, Cinnamomum burmannii, Bischofia javanica, Bischofia polycarpa, Machilus pingii and Machilus chekiangensis were between 0.8 to 1.0 m annually. These species could be appropriate for ecological forest reform in Pearl River Delta or south subtropical regions. This paper proposed 8 kinds of configuration pattern, which consisted of 2 to 7 species each. According to the natural condition, these patterns could be applied to ecological forest construction, which aimed at restoring scenery forest or zonal steady forest community.
Key words:   Yunyong; ecological forest; tree selection; tree configuration