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龚 峥,张卫华,张方秋,黎新宇,陈耀辉,许伟宾
投注app 广东广州,投注app 广东广州,投注app 广东广州,广东省东江林场,广东省东江林场,广东省东江林场
以山龙眼科银桦属的皇室斗篷银桦和黄花银桦在石山营建试验林的结果表明:2个树种均能适应当地的立地条件,1.5 a生时皇室斗篷银桦株高0.98~1.25 m,黄花银桦株高2.38~2.80 m;1.5 a生时,黄花银桦的平均树高极显著大于皇室斗篷银桦;施过磷酸钙为基肥对2个树种的高生长没有促进作用。
关键词:   银桦属;石山;试验林;基肥
分类号 S725
The Preliminary Study on Early Growth of Two Species of Grevillea in Stone Mountain
Gong Zheng,,,, and
The experimental forest was set up with seedlings of Grevillea poorinda and G. robusta in stone mountain. The results were as follows: Both species could adapt to the local site conditions. The average height of 1.5-year old trees was 0.98 to 1.25 m for G. poorinda and 2.38 to 2.80 m for G. robusta, with significant difference between the two species. The base fertilizer (calcium superphosphate) had no effect on both species.
Key words:   Grevillea; stone mountain; experimental forest; basic fertilizer