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采用主要成分为氯化锌、磷酸二氢铵及复合铜盐(硝酸铜 醋酸铜)的三种药剂对马尾松和桉树木材做浸渍处理后再进行短周期加热处理的方法,研究了处理工艺对热处理木材失重率和耐腐性能的影响。结果表明:处理木材的失重率和耐腐性能均随着处理温度升高和处理时间的延长而增大,氯化锌药剂热处理木材在较高温度下对木材的失重率影响最大,具有明显加速热处理反应的作用;但是在同样的热处理温度条件下,浸渍氯化锌和复合铜盐的热处理木材耐腐性明显优于未加药剂的热处理木材。三种药剂中,由复合铜盐浸渍处理的木材经190℃热处理后能达到强耐腐等级
关键词:   木材浸渍药剂 加速热处理 加热失重率 耐腐性能
基金项目:广东省科技计划项目 “短周期高温改性木材技术研究”,项目编号:2009B020303001
Study on Influence of Accelerated Heat-treatment on Weight Lossand Decay Resistance of Wood
In this paper, three reagents including the main component of zinc chloride, ammonium dihydrogen phosphate and the compound copper salt were impregnated into Pinus massoniana wood and Eucalyptus wood before heat-treatment, and then the weight loss and decay resistance of treated wood were studied. Results showed that as the temperature ascending and processing time expending, the weight loss and decay resistance of both the un-impregnated and impregnated wood increased, and zinc chloride had a significant impact on the weight loss at high temperature heat-treatment. It showed that this combined treatment has played a significant catalytic acceleration response role, however when the processing conditions were the same, the decay resistance performance of the wood pre-treated by zinc chloride and compound the copper salt were better than the un-impregnated one. The decay resistance level of treated wood in 190℃ which impregnated by the compound copper salt could reach levelⅠ(strong decay resistance).
Key words:   wood reagents-impregnation, heat-treatment, weight loss, decay resistance