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基于指示物种的生物保护安全格局研究—— 以广东西江烂柯山省级自然保护区为例

吴锦红1, 郭如意2, 魏书精3, 王明怀3
1.广东省西江林场;2.广州市众森林业有限公司;3.广东省森林培育与保护利用重 点实验室 / 投注app
烂柯山自然保护区以国家重点保护动物及其栖息地为主要保护对象,准确判别野生动物栖息地、空间分布格局对野生生物及其栖息地的保护至关重要。通过选取在栖息地和生物特性具有代表性的赤麂 Muntiacus muntjak 作为指示物种,构建生物栖息适宜性评价体系,得出自然保护区生物保护安全格局。结果显示:赤麂“源”栖息地有 13 处,主要分布于保护区西部、中部的山地。“源”栖息地空间扩散在研究区表现为从西向东扩散程度逐渐减弱,且零散分布有不易空间扩散区域,主要为陡坡或高海拔的地。划分为高、中、低 3 种水平的赤麂保护格局作为研究区生物安全格局,其中低安全格局的面积为 5 862.73 hm2,中安全格局的面积为 6 913.28 hm2,高安全格局的面积为 7 900.73 hm2。
关键词:   生物保护安全格局;赤麂;烂柯山自然保护区
DOI: 2096-2053(2021)06-0068-08
Study on Biological Conservation Security Patterns Based on Indicator Species of Guangdong Xijiang Lankeshan Provincial Nature Reserve
WU Jinhong1, GUO Ruyi2, WEI Shujing3, WANG Minghuai3
1.Xijiang Forest Farm of Guangdong Province;2.Guangzhou Zhong-sen Forestry Co.Ltd;3.Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization/Guangdong Academy of Forestry, Guangzhou, Guangdong510520, China
National key protected animals and their habitats are the main protected objects in Lankeshan Nature Reserve. Accurate identification of wildlife habitat and spatial distribution pattern is very important for the protection of wildlife and its habitat. This study chose the indicator species that Muntiacus muntjak with representative in habitat and biological characteristics driven by the evaluation system of biological habitat suitability to obtain biological protection security pattern of Nature Reserve. The results showed that: There are 13 “source” habitats of Muntiacus muntjak which are mainly distributed in the western and central mountain areas of the nature reserve. The spatial diffusion of “source” habitat in the study area is gradually weakened from west to east, and there are some steep slopes or high-altitude woodlands of scattered areas that are not easy to spatial diffusion.The protection pattern of Muntiacus muntjak was divided into three levels of high, medium and low, among the area of low security pattern is 5 862.73 hm2, the medium security pattern is 6 913.28 hm2, high security pattern is 7 900.73 hm2.
Key words:   bological protection security pattern; Muntiacus muntjak; Lankeshan Nature Reserve