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黄婷1, 王哲2, 司徒荣贵1, 赵奋成2, 邓乐平1, 吴惠姗2, 谭志强1, 郭文冰2
1.台山市红岭种子园;2.投注app 广东省森林培育与保护利用重点实验室
抚育间伐是以促进森林生长、提高林木质量为目的的林分经营管理手段。研究选取 10 年生湿加 松 Pinus elliottii ×P. caribaea,采取间伐 3% 断面积和间伐 10% 断面积的间伐强度与对照进行对比试验,结果 显示间伐 3 年内,树高和胸径的增量间伐区显著高于对照区( P < 0.05)。间伐第 4 年开始割脂,自然稀疏现 象严重,间伐后 7 年的胸径增量已不存在显著差异,而树高增量仍存在显著差异。随着间伐强度的加大,大 径材的比例也会升高。间伐之后,树冠形态更快稳定,且林分冠长率峰值向更小的方向偏移。间伐 3% 断面 积与间伐 10% 断面积的冠幅大于 3.5 m 的比例明显多于对照,说明间伐有利于冠幅的发育。间伐后 2 年内, 林分密度大小排序为对照 > 间伐 3% 断面积 > 间伐 10% 断面积,第 3 年开始对照林分密度大幅减少,与间伐 3% 断面积的林分间差异不显著, 7 年后 3 个处理的林分达到相似的密度。与对照相比,轻度的下层疏伐不 会降低总体林分蓄积量。综合木材、产脂收益以及间伐成本,间伐 3% 断面积处理更适合培育脂材兼用林。
关键词:   林分管理;林分密度;间伐;自然稀疏;湿加松
The Effect of Thinning during the Mid-rotation Period on the Growth of Pinus elliottii ×P. caribaea
HUANG Ting1, wang zhe2, SITU Ronggui1, ZHAO Fencheng2, DENG Leping1, WU Huishan2, TAN Zhiqiang1, Guo wenbing2
1.Hongling Seed Orchard;2.Guangdong Academy of Forestry / Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization
Tending thinning is a forest stand management method aimed at promoting forest growth and improving forest quality. In this study, we selected 10-year-old Pinus elliottii ×P. caribaea forest to take the thinning intensity of 3% basal area (D2) and 10% basal area (D3) of thinning to compare with the control (D1). The results showed that within 3 years of thinning, the incremental ratios of tree height and diameter at breast height were significantly higher in the thinning area than in the control area. The resin tapping began in the fourth year of thinning, and the phenomenon of natural sparseness was serious. There was no difference in the incremental ratio in diameter at breast height 7 years after thinning, but there was still a significant difference in tree height. As the intensity of thinning increases, the proportion of large-diameter timber would also increase. After thinning, the crown morphology stabilized faster, and the peak of stand crown rate shifts to a smaller direction. The ratio of crown widthsgreater than 3.5 m on thinning intensity of 3% basal area and thinning intensity of 10% basal area was significantly higher than that of control, indicating that thinning was beneficial to the development of crown width. Within 2 years after thinning, the order of stand density was control> thinning intensity of 3% basal area > thinning intensity of 10% basal area. From the third year, the stand density of control decreased significantly, and there was no significant difference with thinning intensity of 3% basal area. After 7 years, the stand density of the three treatments reached a similar density. Compared with the control, the slight thinning from below did not reduce the overall stand volume. Combining timber, resin production benefits and thinning costs, thinning intensity of 3% basal area treatment was more suitable for cultivating resin-wood dual-use forests.
Key words:   forest management; stand density; thinning; naturally sparse; Pinus elliottii ×P. caribaea