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周宇飞, 王振师, 钟映霞, 吴泽鹏, 魏书精, 李强, 李小川
桉树Eucalyptus spp. 人工林蓄积调查是林业生产经营的重要工作,无人机机载激光雷达能够自动获取大面积桉树人工林的激光点云数据,为计算桉树蓄积量提供新的方法。研究通过试验样地实际数据,建立了桉树树高(X)与胸径(Y)的回归模型:Y = 3.611 6e0.067 4X,并结合激光雷达软件获取的株数、树高估算样地总蓄积量。比较激光雷达测量与实地测量结果发现,激光雷达测量的株数比实测株数少27.09%,平均树高高8.67%,平均胸径大8.25%,总蓄积量小22.68%。因此,对于大尺度获取桉树成熟林的总蓄积量V,可以使用V=V0/(1-22.68%) 对激光雷达测量的总蓄积量V0 进行修正。
关键词:   无人机;激光雷达 桉树;蓄积量
Estimation Technology of Eucalyptus Stock Volume on UAV-based LiDAR
ZHOU Yufei, Wang Zhenshi, ZHONG Yinxia, WU Zepeng, WEI Shujing, LI Qiang, LI Xiaochuan
Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture,Protection and Utilization/Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangzhou
Stock survey of Eucalyptus accumulation is an important task of forestry production and management. UAV-based LiDAR can automatically obtain laser-point cloud data of large-area Eucalyptus plantations, providing a new method for calculating extensive Eucalyptus stock-volume. This study established a regression model to calculate DBH through actual measuring at a test plot: Y = 3.6116e0.0674X ( X: tree height, Y: DBH). Combining with the number of plants and tree height obtained by the lidar software to estimate the total volume of the plot. Comparing the results of LiDAR measurements with field measurements, it is found that the number of trees obtained via LiDAR would be 27.09% less than the actual one, the average tree height would be 8.67% higher, and the stock-volume would be 22.68% lower. The total stock-volume(V)of extensive and mature Eucalyptus forests can be obtained by modified calculation based on the one measured via LiDAR (V0) : V= V0 /(1-22.68%).
Key words:   UAV; Lidar; Eucalyptus; Stock-volume