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倪成才1, 方昆升2, 唐小焱3
以110个黑云杉样地优势木的树干解析数据为基础,拟合了8个差分型立地指数模型,并对立地指数的估计误差进行了经验性分析。结果表明,多型模型间的立地指数估计误差均方(MSE)和平均相对误差(MRE)高度一致,表现出了与单型模型不同的变化趋势。一般而言,在其它条件相同时,多型模型的MSE和MRE低于单型模型。不仅如此,和间的对比关系往往对MSE和MRE有着显著的影响效应, 此处和分别代表现时林分年龄和指数年龄。
关键词:   估计误差;立地指数;养分模型
Empirical Analysis of Site Index Estimating Errors for Algebraic Difference Approach Models
Ni Chengcai1, Fang Kunsheng2, Tang Xiaoyan3
1.Beihua University;2.Guangzhou Tianquan Information Science and Technology Co., Ltd.;3.Guizhou University of Finance and Economics
Based on the stem analysis data of dominant trees from 110 black spruce plots, 8 algebraic difference approach models were fitted, and empirical analysis was carried out on the estimation error of site index. The results showed that mean squares errors (MSE) and mean relative errors (MRE) of polymorphic models were highly consistent, demonstrating different trends from those of anamorpihic models. In general, polymorphic models resulted in much less MSE and MRE than anamorphic models under the same conditions. Moreover, relationship between t1 and t2 significantly affected the magnitude of MSE and MRE, where t1 and t2 are the current stand age and index age, respectively.
Key words:   estimating error,site index, difference approach models