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叶龙华1, 赖敏婷1, 连辉明2, 瞿超1, 陈一群2, 伍观娣1, 汪迎利2, 谢佩吾2
为探讨不同基质、不同生根剂以及同一生根剂在不同浓度下对火力楠 Michelia macclurei 扦插繁 育的影响,研究采用 3 种浓度水平的 ABT 溶液(800、500 和 333 mg/kg)处理火力楠穗条,分别以 3 种基 质(100% 黄心土、100% 泥炭土和 65% 泥炭土 +25% 木糠 +10% 珍珠岩)进行扦插,比较不同浓度生根剂 和基质组合中插穗的生根率,并检测了 ABT、赤霉素和根太阳 3 种生根剂对火力楠穗条的促生根效果。结 果表明,基质类型和 ABT 浓度水平对火力楠插穗的生根有显著影响,但这两个因素之间的交互作用不显 著,其中最佳扦插基质为黄心土,低浓度的 ABT 溶液的促生根效果优于高浓度,但与空白对照相比,3 种 生根剂对火力楠插穗生根均无明显的促进作用,即研究所选取的火力楠家系扦插繁育无需使用外源激素促 进生根,可选用黄心土为扦插基质,但如何进一步提高扦插生根率仍需进一步研究。
关键词:   ABT;浓度水平;黄心土;扦插繁育;生根率
Effects of Rooting Agent and Growth Substrate on Cutting Rooting of Michelia macclurei
Ye Longhua1, Lai Minting1, Lian Huiming2, Qu Chao1, Chen Yiqun2, Wu Guandi1, wangyingli2, Xie Peiwu2
1.Guangdong Provincial Forestry Technology ExtensionSStation, Guangzhou;2.Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture,Protection and Utilization/Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangzhou
To investigate the effects of rooting agent, growth substrate and rooting agent concentration on cutting propagation of Michelia macclurei, the present study compared the cutting rooting ratio by setting 3 different rooting agents (ABT, GA and diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate), 3 different growth substrates (100%yellow soil, 100%peat soil and 65% peat soil+25%raft+10%perlite) and 3 different levels of ABT concentration (800、 500 and 333 mg/kg). The results indicated that substrate type, as well as the rooting agent concentration level showed significant impacts on the cutting rooting of M. macclurei although these two factors did not interact with each other significantly; 100% yellow soil was the optimal substrate and the lower ABT concentration was better than the two higher levels. However, all the 3 rooting agents showed no effect on stimulating the cutting rooting comparing with the control group which meant exogenous hormone was not necessary and the yellow soil was effective for the cutting rooting of M. macclurei studied in our research.
Key words:   ABT; rooting agent concentration level; yellow soil; cutting propagation; rooting rate