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陈一群, 尧 俊, 谢佩吾, 李兵, 陈杰连, 侯晨, 连辉明
龙脑樟原料林培育导致龙脑型阴香 Cinnamomum burmannii chvar. borneol 优良无性系苗木市场 需求旺盛,而扦插育苗是目前培育低成本无性苗木的唯一方式。研究以轻基质为扦插基质,应用 2 种不 同的生根促进剂开展扦插育苗技术研究。结果表明 : 采用轻基质扦插龙脑型阴香,可以获得 57.87% 以上 的扦插成活率,利用生根剂处理插穗,成活率可提高 13.59 个百分点,选用的 2 种生根剂(自配生根粉和 强效生根壮苗剂)处理效果无显著差异,平均成活率分别为 71.11% 和 71.91%,表明以轻基质培育龙脑型 阴香扦插苗是可行的,但成活率仍有提高的空间,相关配套技术需要继续深入开展研究。
关键词:   龙脑型阴香;扦插;轻基质;生根剂;成活率
Study on Effects of Different Hormones in Cutting of Borneol–type Cinnamomum burmannii with Light Substrate
CHEN Yiqun, yaojun, wiepeiwu, libing, chenjielian, houchen, lianhhuiming
Guangdong Academy of Forestry
The cultivation of borneol forest leads to the strong market demand for good clones of Cinnamomum burmannii chvar. borneol, and cutting is the only way to cultivate low cost clones at present. In this study, the light substrate was used as cutting substrate and two different rooting promoters were used to study the cutting seedling technology. The results showed that the survival rate of over 57.87% could be achieved by using the light substrate to cultivate the cutting seedlings of C. burmannii chvar. Borneol. Using rooting agent to treat cuttings can effectively increase the survival rate. There was no significant difference between the two rooting agents used in this experiment. It is feasible to cultivate cutting seedlings of C. burmannii chvar. Borneol with light substrates, However, the cutting survival rate still has the possibility to improve, and related supporting technologies need to be further studied.
Key words:   Cinnamomum burmannii chvar. borneol; cutting propagation; light substrates;rooting agent; survival rate