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何丽娟, 杨芳
陕西、甘肃、青海、宁夏、新疆西北五省是我国防护林建设的关键区域,其森林保护和灾害防治对区域的森林保护和发展至关重要。文章根据中国统计年鉴2005—2019 年的数据,采用熵权法和PSR 模型对西北五省的森林保护和灾害防治现状进行了综合分析。结果表明,陕西、宁夏和甘肃森林人工率较高,均在21% 以上;五省森林病害防治率均在63% 以上;青海和宁夏森林虫害防治率较低;森林鼠害防治率除新疆外,其它四省均在63% 以上;宁夏、青海和陕西森林火灾严重。西北五省森林保护和森林病、鼠害防治取得了较好成绩,但长期防治工作仍是一项艰巨任务,且森林虫害防治和火灾防护工作将是当务之急,需采取合理有效方法。
关键词:   森林保护 灾害防治 熵权法 PSR模型
Forest Protection and Disaster Prevention of Five Provinces in Northwestern China
helijuan, Yang Fang
Longdong university
The five northwestern provinces are the key areas for the construction of protection forests in our country, and their forest protection and disaster prevention are vital to regional forest protection and development. Based on the data of the China Statistical Yearbook(2005-2019), this paper uses the Entropy weight method and PSR model to make a comprehensive analysis of forest protection and disaster prevention and control status in the five northwestern provinces. The results showed that the forest artificial rate of Shaanxi, Ningxia, and Gansu is higher, all above 21%. The prevention and control rates of forest diseases in the five provinces are all above 63%. Qinghai and Ningxia have low forest pest control rates, and the forest rodent control rates are above 63% in the other four provinces except for Xinjiang. The forest fires are serious in Ningxia, Qinghai, and Shaanxi. The forest protection in the five northwestern provinces has achieved good results in the prevention and control of forest diseases and rodents. However, long-term prevention and control work is still a daunting task, and pest and fire prevention will be the most important task which needs to take reasonable and effective methods.
Key words:   Five northwest provinces in China; Forest construction and control; Entropy weight method; PSR model