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徐放1, 钟乃盛2, 廖焕琴1, 刘信凯3,2, 杨会肖1, 杨晓慧3,1, 潘文3,1, 朱报著3,1
1.广东省森林培育和保护利用重点实验室 广东 广州;2.棕榈生态城镇发展股份有限公司;3.投注app 广东 广州
为提高杜鹃红山茶(Camellia azalea)嫁接成活率,增加苗木产量,降低生产成本,实现苗木 培育批量化提供科学依据,通过山茶属砧木种类、存储时间、嫁接时间、种植环境(温室大棚和大田阴 棚,单一基质和混合基质)等不同嫁接处理的杜鹃红山茶嫁接扩繁试验,运用多重比较对嫁接成活率进 行研究。结果表明:不同树种砧木杜鹃红山茶嫁接成活率存在显著差异(P<0.05),油茶(C. oleifera)幼 嫩芽苗和高州油茶(C. gauchowensis)嫁接成活率显著高于攸县油茶(C. yuhsienensis)幼嫩芽苗和广宁红 山茶(C. semiserrata)营养袋苗,高州油茶半木质化的芽苗砧和芽苗根砧嫁接成活率也显著高于油茶和攸 县油茶幼嫩芽苗;同种树种的芽苗根砧和芽苗砧嫁接,5 月和9 月嫁接的成活率影响不显著;随取随用砧 木比存储砧木,砂壤土基质比混合基质(体积比为50% 砂壤土+50% 泥炭土),温室大棚比大田阴棚的嫁 接成活率高。综合评价结果显示:以高州油茶半木质化芽苗砧为砧木嫁接杜鹃红山茶,种植在室内大棚 的砂壤土基质中,嫁接成活率最高可达90.1%,且砧木利用率提高一倍,节约了砧木资源,可在生产中推 广应用。
关键词:   杜鹃红山茶;芽苗嫁接;嫁接成活率;砧木选择;种植环境
Effect of Different Grafting Treatments on Survival Rate of Camellia azalea
Xu Fang1, Zhong Naisheng2, Liao Huanqin1, Liu Xinkai3,2, Yang Huixiao1, Yang Xiaohui3,1, Pan Wen3,1, Zhu Baozhu3,1
1.Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture;2.Zhonglv Eco-town Development Co,Ltd Guangzhou;3.Protection and Utilization/Guangdong Academy of Forestry
To improve the grafting survival rate of Camellia azalea seedlings, increase seedling yield, reduce production cost and provide scientific basis for industrialization production of seedling cultivation. We performed experiment and used multiple comparisons to analyze how the rootstock species, rootstock storage time, grafting time and cultivation environments affect the survival rates. The results showed there was significant difference between rootstock species (P<0.05). The grafting survival rates of young C. oleifera and C. gauchowensis were significantly higher than those of C. yuhsienensis and C. semiserrata. Bud seedling anvils and bud root grafting survival rates of C. gauchowensis were higher than the young bud seedling anvils of C. yuhsienensis and C. oleifera. Grafting survival rate between May and September are similar. Rootstock without storage, sandy loam substrate and cultivated in greenhouse can improve the survival rates. The comprehensive evaluation results show that: C. gauchowensis semilignified bud rootstock grafted with C. azalea, planted in sandy loam substrate and cultivated in an indoor greenhouse showed the highest survival rate(90.1%), and the rootstock utilization rate is doubled, which saves the consumption of rootstock resources. This technology can be promoted and applied in production
Key words:   Camellia azalea; seedling grafting; grafting survival rate; rootstock selection;cultivation environments