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黄东兵1, 覃俏梅1, 苏伟业2, 列淦文1, 彭莉霞1
为构建适合广州地区的花境植物综合性评价体系,本研究对广州发展公园中的 7 组花境的 植物进行调查,采用层次分析法,从观赏性、生态适应性、安全性和经济性 4 个方面,提出 23 个花境 植物综合评价指标,构建花境综合评价体系,并对广州发展公园的 57 种花境植物进行评价。基于花 境的特点,本评价体系中观赏性权重最高,生态适应性权重排序第二。经过综合评价,筛选了赤苞花 Megaskepasma erythrochlamys、巴西野牡丹 Tibouchina semidecandra、蝎尾蕉 Heliconia metallica、红花檵 木 Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum 等 36 种综合应用价值较高的花境植物。在本评价体系中,观赏性和 生态适应性是评价花境植物的重要指标,这与前人研究结果一致,也与花境营造注重“自然、美观”和 “可持续”的特点相吻合。综合评价等级为 I 和 II 级的 36 种植物适合在广州地区推广使用,综合评价等 级为 III 级的 21 种花境植物主要为一二年生花卉,因此在实际应用时,限制条件较多。
关键词:   花境;广州;层次分析法;评价体系
基金项目:广东省高校优秀青年创新人才培养计划资助项目 “海绵校园营建技术研究”(2017CKTSCX044)
Comprehensive Evaluation of Flower Border Plants in Guangzhou Development Park
Huang Dongbing1, Qin Qiaomei1, Su Weiye2, Lie Ganwen1, Peng Lixia1
1.Guangdong Eco-engineering Polytechnic;2.Guangzhou Landscaping Company
In order to develop the comprehensive evaluation system of flower border plants in Guangzhou, plants of seven flower borders in Guangzhou Development Park were investigated. Twenty three evaluation indicators of flower border plants were put forward from ornamental value, ecological adaptability, safety and economy by using analytical hierarchy process (AHP). A comprehensive evaluation system for flower border plants was established and used to evaluate 57 species of flower border plants in Guangzhou Development Park. The weight of ornamental value was highest in this comprehensive evaluation system while ecological adaptability was the second according to the features of flower border. Thirty six species of flower border plants with high application value were elected based on the comprehensive evaluation system, such as Megaskepasma erythrochlamys, Tibouchina semidecandra, Heliconia metallica and Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum, etc. The ornamental effect and ecological adaptability are important indicators in this evaluation system. The result is consistent with previous studies and the natural, artistic and sustainable features of flower borders. Thirty six species of flower border plants with level I and II are worthy of being promoted throughout Guangzhou. Twenty one species of flower border plants with level III are limited in utilization because most of them are annual and biennial.
Key words:   flower boder; Guangzhou; analytical hierarchy process (AHP); evaluation system