Online journal
2018 NO.1
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Effectiveness Analysis of Pinus caribaea Top Grafting on Interstocks of P. elliottii

Effectiveness Analysis of Pinus caribaea Top Grafting on Interstocks of P. elliottii
LIN Changming
Hongling Seed Orchard
Grafting has been an important approach to breeding. At Hongling Seed Orchard, Taishan, Guang- dong Province, three 12-year-old slash pine clones from 投注appally superior seed orchards “Elite” were grafted with shoot tips of 17 clones from three Pinus caribaea varieties. The grafting effects of different interstock clones and different scion clones on the sur- vival rate of grafted scions, diameter of living scions, length of living scions, and the amount of male and female strobili were investigated. The results showed that the clone B118 had the highest graft affinity with the clones of B2, B6, C4, C5, H10 and H17. It is found that interstock clones can affect growth of diameter and length of the living scions,and clone A05 had the larg- est growth. There was different flowering among all the living scions 18.07% of them produced female inflores- cences, 6.02% of them produced male inflorescences, and the average numbers of female and male inflores- cences were 0.67 and 1.37, respectively. Of the 17 tested scion clones, the living scions of seven clones produced a total of 56 female and 114 male inflorescences. The ef- fect of encouraging flowering on the live scions was dif- ferent among the three interstock clones, and the clone B118 had the best effect on promoting flowering.
Key words:   Pinus caribaea · top grafting · promote flowering