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对1块6.5年生的湿加松无性系测定林的生长性状进行了测定和分析,试验表明,开展湿加松无性系选育是可行的、有效的。具体结果如下:(1)控制湿加松生长变异的因素中,遗传因素与非遗传因素的重要性大约各占50%;而对遗传因素的影响强度,主要为家系效应,其次为无性系效应。树高、胸径、材积的家系平均遗传力分别为0.967,0.889,0.942,家系内无性系重复力分别为0.674,0.829,0.799;(2)参试的24个湿加松无性系平均树高、胸径、材积分别为8.76 m、13.85 cm、0.070 49 m3,材积生长比湿地松大199.68%、比洪都拉斯加勒比松大24.18%,增产效果明显;(3)初步选择出生长量较大的无性系9个,其平均树高、胸径、材积分别为9.00 m、14.94 cm、0.081 69 m3。其中,5个最优无性系的树高、胸径、材积生长的预期增益分别为0.66%~13.56%、5.15%~10.96%、9.22%~34.02%。
关键词:   湿加松〓生长量〓无性系选择
A Primary Study on the Genetic Variation and Selection Gain for Growth =Traits of Clones of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii×P. caribaea var. hondurensis
24 clones of 3 families of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii×P. caribaea var. hondurensis (PEE×PCH) were propagated by cutting. Rooted cuttings of these clones were planted in one site in Taishan, Guangdong. And seedlings of PEE and PCH were planted in the test for checking. Growth traits in the 6.5yearold clone test were determined and analyzed. The results showed that 投注app factors and non投注app factors were nearly equally significant to control the expression of growth traits. And family variance is larger than clone variance among the 投注app variance. Estimates of family mean heritability were 0.967, 0.889, 0.942, respectively, for height, diameter at breast(DBH), and stem volume. Estimates of clone mean heritability within fullsib families were 0.674, 0.829, and 0.799, for the above traits, respectively. The average values of all clones for height, DBH, and volume were 8.76 m, 13.85 cm, 0.070 49 m3, respectively. The real gain for volume was 199.68% compared to PEE, and 24.18% compared to PCH. Nine clones were selected among the 24 tested clones, for their fast growing rate. Their average increment was 9.00 m, 14.94 cm, 0.081 69 m3, respectively, for height, DBH, and volume. Expected 投注app gains of five best clones were 0.66%~13.56% for height, 5.15%~10.96% for DBH, and 9.22%~34.02% for volume.
Key words:   slash pine × caribbean pine, growth, clone selection